Nerf Silent Strike Mod

This Instructable will teach you how to modify a Nerf S.S. AS-1 or the Nerf Silent Strike. It will add about 30 ft of range. Originally it will shoot about 18-20 ft. and after the mod it will shoot about 48-50 ft!!!

- Materials
- Nerf Silent Strike.
- 1 1/2 in. long and 1/2 in wide CPVC pipe.
- Nerf darts (If you don't have stefans).
- Stefans (If you have stefans).
- Painters tape(Optional).
- Low temp. hot glue gun.
- Nerf Silent Strike.
- 1 1/2 in. long and 1/2 in wide CPVC pipe.
- Nerf darts (If you don't have stefans).
- Stefans (If you have stefans).
- Painters tape(Optional).
- Low temp. hot glue gun.
Taping the Tube

When you look inside the front part of the barrel you will notice that there is little gap that the hot glue can get through which would affect how the CPVC pipe fits in (You can skip this step if you don't have painters tape you will just need to lick your fingers and smooth out the inside). First rip the tape about a half an inch or an inch (Picture 1). Then tape the inside of the barrel making sure you cover the gap completely. (Picture 2)
Gluing the Gap

Next get out your hot glue gun and glue the gap that you taped up in the last step. Be generous with your glue and put it on there, make sure you don't block the pump with glue because then the gun won't work..
Inserting the Barrel

Next insert the 1 1/2 in CPVC pipe into the Nerf barrel. Make sure it's as straight as possible. Push it in until you can't push it in any further (Picture 1). Then glue around the barrel (Picture 2). Once again make sure you use a lot of glue the less air that can get out the farther the dart will shoot.
Paint It

I plan on painting mine in the same style as this modded Nerf Nitefinder. You can paint yours however you like be creative!
Now Shoot!!!

I use stefans they shoot farther but you can use the suction cup darts.. If you don't have stefans there are plenty of instructables to teach you how to make them. This is where I learned thanks twisted. They are cheap and easy to make. Leave comments and rate. Tell me what you think and tell me any suggestions. I have found eight pumps works great when shooting.