How to Make the BEST Paper Stunt Plane/Glider

by dans_c00l in Living > Kids

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How to Make the BEST Paper Stunt Plane/Glider

The Eagle.JPG
This design is not too well known (I THINK) and is a great stunt plane and glider.

Sorry for the blurry pics and also, this is my first Instructable.
All criticism/congrats are appreciated.

What You Need

Sheet of Paper.JPG
Paper (obviously) and a flat working surface

First Folding! (YAY!)

Folded in Half.JPG
Opened up Again.JPG
Fold in half as accurately as you can and crease hard.
Open back up.

Fold the Corners Down

Folded Corner 1.JPG
Folded Corner 2.JPG
Fold one corner at a time down (look in picture for how far to) and crease hard.
Open up and do the same to the other side.

Flip & Fold

Flip Over.JPG
Fold Top Part Backwards.JPG
Read the title lol!
After flipping, fold the segment down so it lines up with the other lines.

More Flipping and Folding

Flipped Back Over.JPG
Pushing it all Down.JPG
Flip over again and 'Pull the sides in... Look at the photos for help...

Fold Up Top Layers Corners

Fold up the Corners on Top Layer.JPG
Fold the top layers corners up to the top...

Spin and Fold

Spin 180 Degrees.JPG
Fold Nose Down.JPG
Spin 180 degrees and fold the WHOLE top nose part down so that it reaches the folded paper line... If that makes sense...
Refer to photos for added bonus help!

Folding in Half

Fold in Half.JPG
Fold the plane in half with the chunky bit on the INSIDE.

Folding the Wings

Folded 1 Wing Down.JPG
Folded Both Wings Down.JPG
Fold the wings down on each side with a 2cm gap between the bottom of the plane and where the wing starts.

The Finished Product and Tweaking It

The Finished Product.JPG
Congratulations on making it this far!
Your plane is now ready for flight and tweaking!
Flaps on the edge of the wings can be added if your plane always wobbles or just fails.
On the back of the wings, 'upplets' or 'downlets' can be added to make it do stunts such as loops, barrel rolls, sharp turns and much much more! simply pinch the back of the wings and slightly fold it either up or down.
Examples: Fold both up and your plane will do loops.
Fold them opposite ways and your plane will either barrel roll or spin in a spiral (not a crash landing spiral, a good one)