How to Make an Origami Fox

This origami fox is quite easy to make if you follow the instructions carefully.
Start With a Square Piece of Origami Paper. If You Only Have Regular 8.5x11 Paper.

Fold the Paper in Half by Folding the Lower Left Corner to the Upper Right Corner.

Fold the Left Corner to the Right Corner.

Fold the Bottom Corner to the Upper Right Corner.

Turn the Figure Over Horizontally. Fold the Upper Right Corner to the Lower Left Corner.

​Fold the Entire Left Side Just a Bit Before the Center. the Farther Towards the Center You Fold, the Bigger the Head Will Be.

Grab the Bottom Corner of the Outside Flap and Open. the Fox's Head Will Begin to Fold Down by Itself.

Go Ahead and Fold the Head Down.

Fold a Portion of the Tail In.

Draw the Face and You're All Done. Wasn't That Easy?