How to Make an Origami Bird

Using just one square of origami paper, you can make a beautiful work of art. The origami bird is an intermediate origami project that will impress all who see your completed work.
Starting Fold Your Paper Diagonally in Half and Then in Half Again

Fold the Bottom Left of the Top Layer Up to the Top Right Corner.

Repeat on the Back.

Fold One Layer From the Bottom Corner Up to the Top.

Unfold and Reverse Inside Fold the Last Crease.

Flatten the Model Again. Repeat the Last Fold on the Back.

Fold the Head of the Bird Down Like This.

Inside Reverse Fold the Head. Pull the Beak Until It's in the Position You Want.

Fold One of the Wings Up, and Repeat on the Back.

Fold the Tail to Meet the Vertical Line.

Open the Tail Out and Reverse Fold the Last Crease.

Wrap the Tail Around the Body.

It's Done!