How to Make an Arduino LED Light Up! (Arduino Basics)

by WallyBuilder in Circuits > Arduino

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How to Make an Arduino LED Light Up! (Arduino Basics)

Photo on 8-22-23 at 3.29 PM.jpg

Learn how to make a LED light up! No coding required!


You will need:

Any Arduino board as long as it has a GND and a 3.3-5V hole.

Your choice amount of any color LED lights.

2 male-to-male (point-to-point) wires.

A breadboard.

A Arduino USB capable connector, either to a power source or your computer.

(All of this will come with a basic starter Arduino kit.)

Give Power to the Breadboard

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Photo on 8-22-23 at 3.37 PM.jpg
Photo on 8-22-23 at 3.37 PM #2.jpg
Photo on 8-22-23 at 3.37 PM #3.jpg

In this step, you will connect the GND and 3.3V of the Arduino to the breadboard, so power can be supplied to the LED later.

Place the LEDs

Photo on 8-22-23 at 4.04 PM.jpg

In this step, you will identify the two sides of the LED and place it in the breadboard.

Connect to a Power Source

Photo on 8-22-23 at 4.05 PM.jpg
Photo on 8-22-23 at 4.05 PM #2.jpg


Try reconnecting your wires.

Check the LED's sides.

Make sure you are connected to the computer.

You're Done!

Photo on 8-22-23 at 4.06 PM.jpg

Don't forget to check out more of my Arduino Basics tutorials! As always, favorite, share, and follow!