How to Make an Arduino Instructable

by cagoldstein in Circuits > Arduino

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How to Make an Arduino Instructable


This is an Instructable on how to make an instructable on arduino. You will need steps for parts, coding, and wiring. Before you start make sure you understand how to set up your project's code and wiring. Make sure to document each step and every detail and take pictures of every step.


USB cable.jpg
male wires.png
breadboard picture.jpg
arduino picture.png

For Arduino projects you will generally need the following materials:

  • Arduino
  • Computer
  • USB cable
  • Breadboard
  • Wires

You will also need parts for your specific project that is not listed above.

How to Write an Introduction

In the introduction you will summarize what you will do in the project.

Check out our other Instructable for an example on how to do this:


Next you will list your materials

Check out our other Instructable for an example on how to do this:


Now you will need to write the code for your Instructable. You wll need to be able to explain your code. You should not just copy and paste because they will not understand the code.

Check out our other Instructable for an example on how to do this:



Next you will need to explain the setup of the wires and other parts. You can either explain exactly how to put everything in exact spots on the breadboard or just tell them what to connect to what and how in less details.

Check out our other Instructable for an example on how to do this:

I put an example of wiring at the top.

Pictures and Videos

Be sure to document the entire process by taking pictures and videos of the Arduino wiring and code.

Check out our other Instructable for an example on how to do this: