How to Make a Yarn Dog

Good afternoon, dear viewers and readers! In today's instruction, I will show you how to make a dog from yarn threads.

To create a dog, we need:
- Yarn.
- Sock.
- cotton pads.
- Cardboard.
- Metal cover.
Essential Equipment:
- Scissors.
- Fine needle.
- Dark thread.
- Hot glue gun.

Let's start making a dog! First you need to take a sock and cut off the top with scissors.

Next, insert a metal cover inside the sock. The metal cover will be used as a bottom support.

After installing the metal cover, we insert cotton pads and sew everything with threads at the top of the sock.
Cotton pads should be stuffed to a distance of 13 cm long.

Next, we take a prepared cardboard 13 cm long, on which we wind the yarn. We need to make 20 turns around the cardboard. Then you need to tie all the threads of yarn together.
After we remove the wound yarn and cut it in half in the middle. The whole process must be repeated 9 times.

After we need to take a prepared cardboard 16 cm long and make 80 turns around, after that everything needs to be tied and cut in half. This process needs to be done once.

Next, we wind 60 turns of yarn onto a prepared cardboard 4 cm long. We repeat this process three times, after we tie the yarn in the middle and cut it in half with scissors.
Using scissors, you need to cut the yarn and form it into balls.

Using a hot glue gun, glue the prepared yarn around the body. We also glue the yarn on top.

Comb the threads of yarn up from the edge and pull them together with an elastic band, then cut off all excess.

Next, glue the remaining yarn to give the shape of the dog's muzzle. Then, using scissors, you need to cut out the nose, eyes and tongue from cardboard.

At the end of the work, our yarn product needs to be given a more aesthetic appearance. herefore, on the resulting muzzle and head of the dog, we cut off the excess thread of yarn. Then glue the legs and tail in the form of balls in front and behind the body of the dog. The head of the dog can be decorated with a beautiful bow.

Then you can enjoy the finished result. This yarn dog will delight you and your loved ones!
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