How to Make a Tile Board

About 10 years ago I started working at a craft store. I love all the varied and many things I learned to do. That is where I got the nickname, "Craft Know It All." Some of the many things I know how to do during the 6 years I worked there was create tile boards. This is something I do quite frequently. When I receive a wedding announcement, I turn it into a tile board and give it to the Bride and Groom as their wedding gift. I have not had anyone reject it, yet. So here is the "How to Make a Tile board". It includes all little secrets I have learned over the years.
This is what our finished project will look like. This picture is already on the web, so my daughter told me to use it.
This is what our finished project will look like. This picture is already on the web, so my daughter told me to use it.

Here is the Supply list:
Tile art board (You may be able to find them precut at a craft store, or cut your own out of high quality press board.)
a picture
Envirotex Lite Pour On
nitrile gloves
Modge Podge (or white glue)
paint brush
measuring cup
stirring stick
clear tape
3 -5 oz paper cups
saw tooth hanger
plastic bag
E-6000 glue
Tile art board (You may be able to find them precut at a craft store, or cut your own out of high quality press board.)
a picture
Envirotex Lite Pour On
nitrile gloves
Modge Podge (or white glue)
paint brush
measuring cup
stirring stick
clear tape
3 -5 oz paper cups
saw tooth hanger
plastic bag
E-6000 glue

Step 1: Take the clear tape and put it along the edges of the back of the tile board. Envirotex Pour On is a Polymer that sticks to porous things, like wood and paper, and not to nonporous things like plastic. This step will make the drips easier to remove later.

Step 2: Paint the board on the front, in the trenches and around the edges with what ever color paint you desire. ( I chose black.) Let it dry.

Step 3: Using modge podge glue the picture to the board. If you don't have modge podge, make your own by mixing equal parts of white glue and water.

Step 4: Modge podge over the top of the picture. Make sure it is well covered. Let it dry (may take a couple of hours).

Step 5: Lay the plastic bag on your work surface, to catch the drips and there will be drips.
Step 6: Place the 3 cups in a triangle and place the painted tile board on the cups.
Step 6: Place the 3 cups in a triangle and place the painted tile board on the cups.

Step 7: Put on the gloves. (This will prevent chemical reaction [it looks like a 1st degree burn, but it itches] with your skin from the Envirotex.)
Step 8: Pour equal amounts of the Resin and the Hardener into the measuring cup. For this board I used 2.5 oz. This is a Polymer that is created
by the mixing of a resin and a hardener. A chemical reaction takes place that will turn these two liquids into a hard, shiny, water proof surface.
Step 8: Pour equal amounts of the Resin and the Hardener into the measuring cup. For this board I used 2.5 oz. This is a Polymer that is created
by the mixing of a resin and a hardener. A chemical reaction takes place that will turn these two liquids into a hard, shiny, water proof surface.

Step 9: Stir vigorously for 2 minutes, scraping the sides and the bottom. This will be the trigger for the chemical reaction. If you don't stir
vigorously enough, it won't set up. If that happens, pour another vigorously stirred coat, over the unsuccessful coat, and it will turn out fine.
vigorously enough, it won't set up. If that happens, pour another vigorously stirred coat, over the unsuccessful coat, and it will turn out fine.

Step 8: Pour the the stirred Envirotex over the top of the tile board. Use stirring stick to smooth the Envirotex around and make sure all the
spots on the front and sides of the board are covered. You may use the stick to scrape Envirotex off the plastic and put it back on the board.
spots on the front and sides of the board are covered. You may use the stick to scrape Envirotex off the plastic and put it back on the board.

Step 9: Once the board is covered, now is the time to take care of the bubbles (vigorous stirring causes bubbles). Take the straw and through
the straw, blow out on to the bubbles. A chemical reaction between the CO2 in your breath and the bubbles will destroy the bubbles. Don't
breath in through the straw, the fumes can cause the chemical reaction on your mouth, and you don't want that. Blow all over the board until
the bubbles are all gone.
the straw, blow out on to the bubbles. A chemical reaction between the CO2 in your breath and the bubbles will destroy the bubbles. Don't
breath in through the straw, the fumes can cause the chemical reaction on your mouth, and you don't want that. Blow all over the board until
the bubbles are all gone.

Step 10: Now is the time, with your gloves still on, to add any embellishments you like. Just set them into the Envirotex and when it sets up
it will be permanent. Now walk away and let the chemical reaction take place. SAFETY HINT!!! Keep it away from children and small pets. I
pour tile boards in a room where I can shut the door and walk away. In one hour check go in to see if you need to blow out any more bubbles.
Other wise leave it alone for 12 or more hours to totally set. It takes 48 hours to totally cure.
it will be permanent. Now walk away and let the chemical reaction take place. SAFETY HINT!!! Keep it away from children and small pets. I
pour tile boards in a room where I can shut the door and walk away. In one hour check go in to see if you need to blow out any more bubbles.
Other wise leave it alone for 12 or more hours to totally set. It takes 48 hours to totally cure.

Step 11: After 12 + hours, go in and turn the board over. You will see the drips that are attached to the tape. Just pull the tape off and you will
end up with no drips on the back of your board. You can also remove the set up drips on your plastic and use it over again. If you use news
paper, you will end up throwing it all away, with the stirring stick, straw etc.
end up with no drips on the back of your board. You can also remove the set up drips on your plastic and use it over again. If you use news
paper, you will end up throwing it all away, with the stirring stick, straw etc.

No Drips!! Hurray!!!

Step 12: Using a strong glue (like E-6000), glue a saw tooth hanger on the back of the tile board. Let it dry for at least one hour.
This will allow the tile board to be hung on a wall.
This will allow the tile board to be hung on a wall.

Finished product! You can use photos, calendar pictures, wedding announcements, etc, etc, etc. Have lots of fun!