How to Make a Temperature Gun With Esp32
by Jaychouu in Circuits > Arduino
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How to Make a Temperature Gun With Esp32

What a hot day it is! Too hot to drive and ride and I am thinking of making a temperature measurement sensor. With FireBeetle ESP32 produced by DFRobot and MLX90614 (a noncontact IR temperature sensor) on hand, let’s do it!
Hardware List

FireBeetle ESP32 IOT Microcontroller ×1
Gravity: Non-contact IR Temperature Sensor for Arduino ×1
Gravity I2C OLED-2864 Display ×1
3.7V 400mAh Lithium battery ×1
Red laser transmitter (diameter: 6mm) ×1
C&K slide switch ×1
3D printing crust set (2 parts) ×1
Thermo-control Anti-Static Soldering Station AT936b
401 glue
Hot melt gun
Software List (library file of MLX90614 noncontact IR temperature sensor) (library file of Gravity IIC OLED-2864 display) (library file of show pictures and 16*24 script used in the project) (source files of project codes)
PCtoLCD2002 LCD impression taking software
3D printing slice software: Cura
3D printing file: 3D print - left part.stl (available for direct printing of Overload Pro 3D printer)
3D printing file: 3D print - right part.stl
Solder Components As Below

Transform Show Pictures and 16*24 Script in Use to Hexadecimal Code With PCtoLCD2002 LCD Impression Taking Software

Programing With UPyCraft MicroPython IDE and Burn Codes to FireBeetle ESP32

Check After Codes Burnt
import MLX90614from machine import Pin,I2C import time import ssd1306 from piclib import * # This code will show you how to make a Infra Red Thermometer using the MLX90614 sensor. i2c = I2C(scl=Pin(22), sda=Pin(21), freq=100000) ir=MLX90614.MLX90614(i2c) lcd=ssd1306.SSD1306_I2C(128,64,i2c) #Display a picture 72*64 def DisplayPicture(x,y,picture): for line in range(0,64): for bytes in range(0,9): for bits in range(0,8): if picture[9*line+bytes]&0x80>>bits: lcd.pixel(x+bytes*8+bits,y+line,1) else: lcd.pixel(x+bytes*8+bits,y+line,0) return #Display a character 16*24 def DisplayCharacter16X24(x,y,character): for line in range(0,24): for bytes in range(0,2): for bits in range(0,8): if character[line*2+bytes]&0x80>>bits: lcd.pixel(x+bytes*8+bits,y+line,1) else: lcd.pixel(x+bytes*8+bits,y+line,0) return #---------------------run here------------------------------------ #display logo DisplayPicture(28,0,picture) time.sleep(1) lcd.fill(0) #display O:123.4C # A:123.4C DisplayCharacter16X24(0,0,charArray[10]) #O DisplayCharacter16X24(16*1,0,charArray[12]) #: DisplayCharacter16X24(16*7,0,charArray[13]) #C DisplayCharacter16X24(0,24,charArray[11]) #A DisplayCharacter16X24(16*1,24,charArray[12]) #: DisplayCharacter16X24(16*7,24,charArray[13]) #C while True: time.sleep(0.2) Object = ir.getObjCelsius() # *C Ambient = ir.getEnvCelsius() # *C #Object = ir.getObjFahrenheit() # *F #Ambient = ir.getEnvFahrenheit() # *F #print("Object %s *C"% Object) #print("Ambient %s *C"% Ambient) #print() ObjectInt = int(Object*10) AmbientInt = int(Ambient*10) if ObjectInt < 0: ObjectInt = abs(ObjectInt) DisplayCharacter16X24(16*2,0,charArray[15])# - temp1 = (ObjectInt%1000)//100 if(temp1 == 0): DisplayCharacter16X24(16*3,0,charArray[16]) # space else: DisplayCharacter16X24(16*3,0,charArray[temp1]) DisplayCharacter16X24(16*4,0,charArray[(ObjectInt%100)//10]) DisplayCharacter16X24(16*5,0,charArray[14]) # . DisplayCharacter16X24(16*6,0,charArray[ObjectInt%10]) else: temp1 = ObjectInt//1000 temp2 = (ObjectInt%1000)//100 if temp1 == 0: DisplayCharacter16X24(16*2,0,charArray[16]) # space else: DisplayCharacter16X24(16*2,0,charArray[temp1]) if temp1 == 0 and temp2 == 0: DisplayCharacter16X24(16*3,0,charArray[16]) # space else: DisplayCharacter16X24(16*3,0,charArray[temp2]) DisplayCharacter16X24(16*4,0,charArray[(ObjectInt%100)//10]) DisplayCharacter16X24(16*5,0,charArray[14]) # . DisplayCharacter16X24(16*6,0,charArray[ObjectInt%10]) if AmbientInt < 0: ObjectInt = abs(AmbientInt) DisplayCharacter16X24(16*2,24,charArray[15])# - temp1 = (AmbientInt%1000)//100 if temp1 == 0: DisplayCharacter16X24(16*3,24,charArray[16]) # space else: DisplayCharacter16X24(16*3,24,charArray[temp1]) DisplayCharacter16X24(16*4,24,charArray[(AmbientInt%100)//10]) DisplayCharacter16X24(16*5,24,charArray[14]) # . DisplayCharacter16X24(16*6,24,charArray[AmbientInt%10]) else: temp1 = AmbientInt//1000 temp2 = (AmbientInt%1000)//100 if temp1 == 0: DisplayCharacter16X24(16*2,24,charArray[16]) # space else: DisplayCharacter16X24(16*2,24,charArray[temp1]) if temp1 == 0 and temp2 == 0: DisplayCharacter16X24(16*3,24,charArray[16]) # space else: DisplayCharacter16X24(16*3,24,charArray[temp2]) DisplayCharacter16X24(16*4,24,charArray[(AmbientInt%100)//10]) DisplayCharacter16X24(16*5,24,charArray[14]) # . DisplayCharacter16X24(16*6,24,charArray[AmbientInt%10])
Designing Crusts According to Dimension of Components

Use Cura (a 3D Printing Slice Software) to Make 3D Printing Files

Print Crusts With Overload Pro 3D Printer

Allocate Components to Inner Part of Printed Crusts With Hot Melt and Glue

Temperature Measurement

Measure temperature of freezer
Related documents (library file of MLX90614 noncontact IR temperature sensor) (library file of Gravity IIC OLED-2864 display) (library file of show pictures and 16*24 script used in the project) (source files of project codes)
uPyCraft MicroPython IDE (download link)
PCtoLCD2002 LCD impression taking software
3D printing slice software: Cura
3D printing file: 3D print - left part.stl (available for direct printing of Overload Pro 3D printer)
3D printing file: 3D print - right part.stl
Now, we have accomplished the procedure of practical noncontact temperature measurement gun. You can modify this program according to effective demands. For example, you can upload results to Internet of Things or cellphones with Wi-Fi and BLE Bluetooth in FireBeetle ESP32 board. I am always cannot recollect whether I have turned off gas cooker when I got out, so a noncontact temperature measurement gun that can upload data to IoT or phone is very helps me a lot.