How to Make a Roblox Rpg!
I am teaching you how to make your own roblox rpg today! The reason I am doing this today is to teach you the basics of Lua code and to also give you something to do in your free time!
- A computer or laptop
- Roblox Studio installed
- (6) How to make a dialogue with picture and name in Roblox! - YouTube
- This link for the dialogue
The Structure
make the baseplate colour green and make four brown walls like this
The Enemies
go to the toolbox icon, search up enemy npc, and look for one that looks like this.
Loading Screen
Use the code above to create your very own loading screen with custom animation!
Create a new bacon sprite and make a dialogue using this code. You can change the dialogue however you want in the FireAllClients code.
Basic Weapon
Search up sword giver in the toolbox to find this sword giver sprite. We will use this as a basic weapon
That's It!
Congrats! Now you have made your own roblox rpg to share and show your friends! If you want to see me make more, i will update this whenever I have made more progress. Thank You!