How to Make a Ring

By following this guide, you too can learn how to make your own unique ring just like this. This option allows you to customize your ring to your liking, plus, its a cheaper and unique version of other rings. Have fun!

-boxcutters, wire cutters, or strong scissors
-ring sizer

First, take a piece of string or rope, and wrap it around the desired finger to measure it’s width
Find Your Size

Carefully take the string off and place it on your ring sizer, you should push it down until it fits comfortably on the sizer. This is where you will wrap your ring so make note of what number it landed on; this is your ring size.
Cutting Your Wire

Use wire cutters or boxcutters to cut a piece of wire to about 11 inches.
Pick Your Bead

Pick as many or as little beads as you want for your ring and string it into the center of the wire.

Place the center of the wire, where the bead is, in the exact place that you previously measured.

Take each side of the wire and wrap them each around the sizer two to three times.
Wrapping the Bead

take some of the excess wire and wrap each side around the bead two to three times.

Carefully take the ring off the sizer and place it on your finger to check its sizing, if it doesn't fit, go back and adjust it.
Tieing It Off

For this step, you have two options. You may wan to wrap the remaining wire around the front, or the back as I did in the picture. For each one, be careful to tie a tight and secure knot that will hold the wring together.
Cutting the Excess

To finish off your ring, cut any remaining wire off.

Finally, put your ring on and be proud of your new work of art!