How to Make a Paper Taco!

Do you like tacos? I do, too! Because you obviously just answered: YES! Tacos are amazing, you can literally put ANYTHING in them. Well, I made the best kind of taco: A PAPER TACO! Um... yeah that's the um... best kind. Yeah, definitely.
3 Pieces Of Paper
Tape (Optional)
Creating the Shape

First, take a piece of paper and start to fold it into the middle. Start with a rectangle, and then try to make an oval. Remember, it doesn't matter how ugly it looks, we're just making the shape. Fold as much as you want until you have an oval. Fold it in half, and fold it a little more so that you can see the curve that makes it a taco and not a burrito.
Covering the Taco

Take out a different piece of paper, and cover your taco shape with it. You can make it ugly in the middle, just make sure at least one side of the taco is flat. If you ever need to use it to hold something in place, you can take out some tape (Glue takes too much time to dry.)
Creating the Toppings Template

Cut out a little less than a third of the paper length-wise. Look at the first picture above for a better estimate. Once you've cut it out, direction it length-wise again and cut it in half. Take one of the halves, and cut out curves on both sides. Once you've done that, fold it in half so that the curves are in the front and back. You'll want to cut a little on the front so that you can have at least two bumps in the background.

Now it's time to color! Take out your markers/colored pencils and start to color. Here are some tips: You only need to color one side of the taco, and the tops of the toppings. Also, some colors you can use on the toppings are red, (tomato,) green, (lettuce,) and yellow, (cheese,) for the background bumps. Color the foreground brown (for beef.)
Put Together Your Taco

For the final step, put your toppings inside your taco! If they go too far inside, try taping them to the top. Cut off or color any white you see with the toppings. Show off your colorful taco to your friends and family! You can also perform this CHEESY magic trick:
You: Look at this paper taco I made! (Show them the ugly white side)
Them: Wow!
You: Have you ever made one?
Them: (Hopefully they say no. If they say yes, go to "ALTERNATE")
You: Well then what's that?
Them: What? (Hopefully, they turn around, if not, go to "ALTERNATE")
(When they turn around, flip over your white taco to a colorful taco.)
You: Whoah! What just happened?
Them: Hey, where'd that come from?!
Apparently, your audience isn't complying, try this:
If they said yes:
You: I have the perfect place to put yours (search the room, and point somewhere. Go to "CONTINUE.")
If they didn't turn around:
You: Hey, is that my necklace? (Point to a random place in the room. Go to "CONTINUE.")