How to Make a Message Speaking in Windows Vista

by cheokyiik in Craft > Digital Graphics

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How to Make a Message Speaking in Windows Vista

SnapCrab_Untitled - Notepad_2021-1-13_14-7-53_No-00.png

To get started open notepad and follow the tips!

SnapCrab_Untitled - Notepad_2021-1-13_13-47-57_No-00.png

Type Dim message, sapi to make a sapi message.

SnapCrab_Untitled - Notepad_2021-1-13_13-56-54_No-00.png

Type message=InputBox("What do you want me to say?","Speak to Me") To make the message what he want to say.

SnapCrab_Untitled - Notepad_2021-1-13_14-2-8_No-00.png

Type Set sapi=CreateObject("sapi.spvoice") to set sapi voice what he want to say.

To type hello he will say hello as well.

SnapCrab_Untitled - Notepad_2021-1-13_14-14-33_No-00.png

Type sapi.Speak message to speak the message what you want him to say.

SnapCrab_Speak message - Notepad_2021-1-13_14-26-56_No-00.png

Then, you need to go to file then save as.

SnapCrab_Save As_2021-1-13_14-19-18_No-00.png

Save it as .vbs extension and save it as all files.

SnapCrab_Speak to Me_2021-1-13_14-34-11_No-00.png

And we are done! Type anything to let him say!