How to Make a Floating Wine Bottle Holder
by craftknowitall in Workshop > Woodworking
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How to Make a Floating Wine Bottle Holder

Ever since I first saw one of these, I wanted one. The principle of center of gravity is so excellently demonstrated by this set up, for it stays floating in the air, because the center of gravity of the entire system (board and full bottle) is directly over the slanted foot it rests upon. I always thought it would really hard to figure out how to make one for my own. It really wasn’t that hard. You just have to be exacting in cutting the angle at the bottom and the location of the hole toward the top. Here we go on how to make a Floating Wine Bottle Holder.

15” x 3 1/8” x 3/4” hard wood board (I used oak, about $3.50/ft.)
Tape measure
Straight edge
Chop saw
1 ½” drill bit
Medium sandpaper
Fine sandpaper
Paint, or stain, or whatever you want to finish your wood.
Bottle of wine (I don’t drink alcohol, so I have a bottle of Martinelli’s)
15” x 3 1/8” x 3/4” hard wood board (I used oak, about $3.50/ft.)
Tape measure
Straight edge
Chop saw
1 ½” drill bit
Medium sandpaper
Fine sandpaper
Paint, or stain, or whatever you want to finish your wood.
Bottle of wine (I don’t drink alcohol, so I have a bottle of Martinelli’s)

Take the tape measure and remembering the rule: measure twice, cut once, measure down 14 1/8 inches,

then, use a straight edge to draw a line from one edge to another.

Turn the board over and from the same edge as before, measure down 13 ¾”.

Again draw a straight line.

Turn the wood on edge and draw a line connecting the line from the front to the back. This will form a 27° angle.

When you cut this angle, on the chop saw, be as exact as possible.

From the other end of the board measure a line 3 1/8 inches from the top. Draw a line. From one edge measure 1 5/8 inches. Draw a cross line. This will create an “X” that will be the middle of your 1 ½ inch circle.

Use the drill and 1 ½ inch drill bit to cut the hole.

Use the medium grit sandpaper, and smooth out the center of the hole and all the surfaces of your board.
Sand the board again using the fine grit sandpaper.
Sand the board again using the fine grit sandpaper.

Now is the time to put a finish on your wood. I like dark wood, so I used a walnut stain and finish. Finish it the way you want.

Now take your wine bottle and put the mouth of the bottle in through the hole,

so that the slanted foot of the board is directly under the body of the bottle. It will take a little bit to adjust the location of the neck and the bottle body to get it to balance. Yet balance it will. Hurray, it worked, (I was a little nervous there). Enjoy!