How to Make a Fake Error Message

by QWERTYiscool in Circuits > Electronics

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How to Make a Fake Error Message


Hi guys, today I will show you how to make a fake error message and a prank in the end so keep reading, and btw, JakeAS gave me this idea to make this so check him out too, :)

Get the Stuff


You need a Windows vista or later, you need the built-in app notepad, and this instructable!

Start the App

Step 1.PNG

In the search bar, type notepad, then you will see the screen like the photo.

Type or Copy the Code

Step 2.PNG

Now you need the code, Delete Title and change it to ur title, and message will be the message b is the button and I is the icon, make sure you keep the quotation marks, and dont delete the +. I want QWERTY is cool for the title, and My love is cool, bla bla bla for the message, I want my button to be yes and no , my icon will be the "!" icon, the list of buttons and icons are below the code.

copy the text below:

x=msgbox("Message", B+I, "Title")

Button list:

0 - OK, 1 - OK and Cancel, 2 - Abort Retry and Ignore, 3 - Yes No and Cancel, 4 - Yes and No, 5 - Retry and Cancel.

Icon list:

0 - no icon, 16 - X Icon, 32 - ? Icon, 48 - !, 64 - i Icon,

How to Save

Step 3.PNG
Step 3.1.PNG
Step 3.2.PNG
Step 3.3.PNG

Follow the pics, if you dont see the pics, go to Save as and save it as, (your title).vbs your title will be whatever your title is, and then go to files, then put it to desktop, then get ready for the prank part for people who want to prank...

How to Prank...

Step 4.PNG
Step 4.1.PNG

Pranking is the easy part, you can make multiple codes at a time, but that is for later, now I'll teach you how to make the logo of a code, first make a shortcut by right clicking the fake error message and click create shortcut by going to then hide the real one by right clicking it again and going to its properties and click the check mark, then right click the logo and rename it by removing '-Shortcut' and then go to its properties and click change logo changing the logo. then look at all the logos and choose the one you want! my error message looks like this!

Extra Step: Doubling the Code

In the notepad type the code as many times as you want, then do the same things like the last 3 steps! then you get a repeated code, also make sure you type different things inside the codes for all the stuff, Thank you for supporting me by reading this! :) Share this to ur friends who use Windows