How to Make a Clicker Game in Scratch

by The_Tesla_Guy in Craft > Digital Graphics

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How to Make a Clicker Game in Scratch

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You can create a Clicker Game in Scratch. Follow these easy 5 steps to create it.


  1. Computer
  2. Scratch website (


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Open Scratch: Go to the Scratch website ( and create a new project.


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Create the Clicker Sprite: Add a sprite (e.g., a button or an object) that the player can click on to earn points.


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Add Variables: Create a variable to keep track of the player's score. You can name it "score" or something similar.

Coding the Sprite

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Screenshot 2024-03-05 8.20.15 AM.png

Coding the Clicker Sprite:

  • Use the "when green flag clicked" block to start the game.
  • Use the "forever" block to continuously check for clicks on the sprite.
  • Use an "if" block to detect when the sprite is clicked.
  • Inside the "if" block, increase the score variable by a certain amount (e.g., 1).


  1. Display the Score: Add a text sprite to display the player's score. Use the "set" block to update the text with the current score value.
  2. Enhance the Game: You can add features like upgrades, achievements, and animations to make the game more engaging.
  3. Test and Play: Click the green flag to start the game and test your clicker game. Click on the sprite to earn points and see your score increase.

When you're done, don't forget to click "Save Now" or the project won't save!