How to Make White Rice

How to Make Rice

1. Rice
2. Water
3. Electric Rice Pot
4. Bowl
5. Measuring Cup
Cleaning the Rice

1. Get the rice, a bowl, and a measuring cup
2. Measure 2/3 cup of rice and put in bowl
3. Rise and wash rice well using water until the water has become clear
4. Drain water from the rice
Cooking the Rice

1. Place rice in the electric rice pot
2. Fill water to the 1 line on the pot
3. Push the cook button on the electric rice pot
4. When the rice cooker beeps in about 20-30 minutes, open the pot and loosen the rice using a spoon
5. Put the lid back on and wait 10 minutes for the rice to get fluffy
Eating the Rice

1. Scoop rice into a bowl and enjoy