How to Make Papeda
Hallo guys now i will invite you to make delicious Papeda !!
Ingredients make papeda:
1. sago
2. hot water
3. lime
4. plain water
1. sago
2. hot water
3. lime
4. plain water
How to Make Papeda
The sago is soaked in cold water until it thickens and Squeeze the lime in the thickened sago
How to Make Papeda
Final thickened sago filtered again until clean .
after filtering, clean sago is mixed with hot water and stir until it becomes papeda
in picture not only show the papeda also vagetables and fish because delicious to eat with papeda.
after filtering, clean sago is mixed with hot water and stir until it becomes papeda
in picture not only show the papeda also vagetables and fish because delicious to eat with papeda.