How to Make DIY Beer Cap Bike

Hello everyone...
Have you ever thought when you drink a chill bottle of soda or a bottle of fresh juice on a hot day we throw the caps of those bottles and we never make any us of them ! Today in this Instructables I'm going to show you how you can make a simple beer cap bicycle which looks great as a decoration model and a perfect gift for the bike lovers.
The best part is that its best out of waste you don't need to make any efforts for this its cheap and its fun making.
- Waste Bottle caps
- Thin sticks
- Ear buds
- Glue gun or White glue
- A piece of foam board
Design & Schematics

- Before starting off I need to make sure that what type of bike I'm making because there are so many types presents, So I chose my favorite Harley also I have shared the basic rough design for our bike which will help you very much if you wish making it :)
- The bike handles will be Ear buds & the front wheel assembly will be made up off thin wooden sticks.
Making the Tires Assembly

- In this step we will make both tires - the front & the back ones.
- Take two bottle caps and stick them together in such a way that it looks like a tire or a round circle.
- Do the same with the back one as well but remember the back ones should be a little big as compared to the front tires.
- Now attach the wooden sticks to the front tires as shown in the above images.
Fuel Tank & the Main Body

- In this step we will make the main body of the bike.
- For this section of bike you will require 5 to 7 bottle caps that will make your bike main body.
- Take two caps and squeeze them in such a way that they form oval shape and looks like an mouth cavity .This it the fuel tank.
- Now take another 4 bottle caps and squeeze them to form oval shapes and attach them to the back wheel and some to the main body that is the center part of the bike.
Head Lights and the Final Assembling

- In this step we will make the headlights and the final assembly of the bike will be done.
- Now this part can be little tricky for head lights take a bottle cap and make a cut in the venter of the cap and open the cap to form some what a circular shape as shown above.
- Now join the back portion and the front with glue gun or white glue to complete the bike.

Congrats !!! You have made it .I'm very pleased with the results and this looks great so the next time when you drink remember to recycle the waste bottle caps to make your own bottle cap bike :D
I hope you enjoyed
Happy making !