How to Make Cleaning Your Room Fun

by LSiria24 in Living > Cleaning

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How to Make Cleaning Your Room Fun


Do you enjoy cleaning your room….? Yeah, I didn't think so. Having a clean room not only looks nice and keeps your parents from getting mad, but makes you feel more organized and productive. I will be sharing with you how to make your room go from a 1/10 to a 10/10 in just 10 easy steps!


1. A messy room

2. Phone/Computer

Turn on Your Favorite Playlist and Get Started


When cleaning your room you can get bored easily. If you have a fun song playing the background it may help you want to keep going because you are listening to something you enjoy. You can get music from Spotify, Apple Music, Musi, etc.

Make Your Bed


Starting with your bed will keep you from wanting to get back in it. Also having a clean bed will make your room look nicer as a whole.

Set a Timer


Setting a timer will give you a good time frame to get your cleaning done in a reasonable time, also it will allow you to take breaks. Personally, I recommend setting a 15-20 minute timer. Start working on your desk.

Go Get a Snack


Time to reward yourself, once your timer goes off, go get a snack. Getting a snack is a good reward for yourself for staying on track and cleaning. But also, it will help you have energy to get more done.

Call a Friend


When you go back to start cleaning again, call a friend and finish organizing your desk. Calling a friend allows you to clean, while not really thinking about the fact you are cleaning. Also tell your friend that if you get side tracked when cleaning, to tell you to get back on track.

Get Off the Phone


When your done organizing your desk get off the phone with your friend. This allows you to go from doing one thing to the next so you aren't getting too bored yet.

Clean Your Closet


Go to your closet and take out all your clothes. By taking out all your clothes you are cleaning your room while staying active and moving, keeping you engaged.

Separate Winter and Summer Clothes


When you separate your clothes from summer to winter you are allowing yourself to stay more organized so the next time you clean your room, your clothes are already somewhat organized and ready to go, so it won’t take as long.

Go Outside and Take a Break


Go outside and get some fresh air, you have been stuck in your room cleaning and organizing go outside for a few minutes and relax.

Finish Up! Make It a Game


You can time yourself to see how fast it is going to take you. By doing this you are challenging yourself, and you want to finish as fast as possible. This will make it fun!

All Done!!


Hope this helped you want to go and clean your room and get more productive. In these 10 easy steps you will have a very nice and organized room. Now that you know what to do, go and get organized!