How to Make Betsy Bear and Her Portable Love Hut

by twinkleshine in Living > Holidays

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How to Make Betsy Bear and Her Portable Love Hut

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Here's a quick and easy Valentine's Day craft for kids to make. Betsy the Bear is made out of cardboard and fits nicely into her CD-holder hut.

Step One: Gather Your Materials

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For this project you will need:

An empty CD holder
A small square of cardboard
2 colors of duct tape (use colored paper as an alternative)
A teddy bear cookie cutter (use gingerbread cookie cutter as an alternative or draw a similar shape on paper and cut sure it fits inside the CD holder)
Paint, glue, markers, wiggle eyes, etc. to embellish the bear

Step Two: Cover CD Holder

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Cover front and back of CD holder with main color of duct tape or glue on colored paper.

Step Three: Make Heart

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Cut out a 1" heart shape from paper for template and trace around it onto contrasting tape color. Cut heart from tape.

Step Four: Finish Hut

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Glue heart to front center of CD holder. As an alternative decorate with windows and doors to give the hut more of a dollhouse look.

Step Five: Begin Making Bear

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Trace around cookie cutter shape onto cardboard.

Step Six: Cut Out Bear

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Carefully cut out bear shape.

Step Seven: Paint Bear

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Paint bear. Let dry. I used three may need more or less paint.

Step Eight: Embellish Bear

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Glue wiggle eyes on bear. Draw smile. Decorate your bear however you want it to look!

Step Nine: Place Bear in Home

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Place Betsy in her love hut and enjoy. Love, twinkleshine.