How to Make Bath Bombs
Do you have dry skin? These bath bombs will help soften and moisturize your skin just like lotion. Bath bombs can be made in many different shapes, scents, and colors. But most importantly, each one benefits your skin/body in different ways!
Makes 1 large bomb
4oz citric acid powder
8oz baking soda
4oz corn starch
Mixing bowl
1/2 Teaspoon of water
3 ounces cocoa butter
3 tbsps. almond oil
1/2 teaspoon. coconut oil
Food coloring any color
Essential oil any scent
Bath bomb mold
Gather Ingredients
First, gather all your ingredients and place them on a clean hard surface. It is recommended to use a counter or table, so it is easy to clean in case of a spill. Then measure out all ingredients that are needed with the correct proportions.
Mix Dry Ingredients
Secondly, mix all dry ingredients together into a large bowl. Stir together the cornstarch, baking soda, and citric acid powder with a whisk until mixed together well. Using hands as an alternative is also an option.
Add Liquid Ingredients
Next, add all the liquid ingredients into the dry ingredient mixture. Mix in in the cocoa butter, almond oil, water and coconut oil into the mixture. Combine all ingredients together until a dough-like substance is created.
Add Color and Scents
The fourth step is adding food coloring and essential oils. Add anywhere from 6 to 10 drops of any favorite essential oil scents. Using one specific scent or multiple to create a unique combination for a bath bomb. Then, add several drops of food coloring to the mixture to create a color for the bath bomb, and stir the mixture well until color is throughout the mixture. For relaxing scents, it is recommended using lilac or lavender essential oils.
Place in Mold
Next, use a spoon or hands to place mixture into dome molds. Use a lot of pressure when pushing mixtures into the molds to help compact it firmly and prevent the bath bombs from cranking. If a different designed molds or smaller bath bombs is desired, candy molds are another option.
Let Bath Bombs Dry
The next step is to let the bath bombs dry. Leave them in the molds for at least 24 hours in a cool, dry area away from moisture, if after the 24 hours they are still damp, remove them from the molds and let them air dry.
When the bath bombs no longer feel damp, place them in a Ziploc bag or an airtight container. Keep them away from moisture to prevent possible sizzling and enjoy in your next bath!