How to Make 2.4Ghz Wi-Fi Antenna

by ajayjangra473 in Circuits > Wireless

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How to Make 2.4Ghz Wi-Fi Antenna


This article is not just about How to make a Full Wave 2.4Ghz Dipole antenna even you can learn how to upgrade a WiFi receiver adaptor. First i will show you how to make a Full Wave antenna and then i will show you how to upgrade WiFi receiver adaptor.


You will only need basic tools and materials to complete this project.


Soldering Iron kit

Wire nipper



Copper Wire around 2mm thick

WiFi receiver adaptor

USB cable

Antenna Calculation

First of all What is the equation of the antenna, it's very simple to calculate. Here it's λ=c/v

λ , wavelength

c , velocity ( speed of light )

f , Frequency

Now... Let's try to calculate this equation for this antenna.

We don't know wavelength "λ" but we know c and its represent light of the speed and we know what is the speed of light and it's 300000ms and we know about f and it's represent frequency. It's mean when say i have 2.4Ghz or 5Ghz Wi-Fi connection, 2.4 or 5 is frequency number. (2.4 GHz = 2400 MHz )

λ= 300000/2400

λ= 125

So 125mm is our wavelength or we can say length of antenna.

Let's Make Antenna


As you can see in that image, that antenna made with 2 copper wire pieces which is looking like alphabet capital letter "L" .

Now take copper wire and very carefully try to cut and bend copper wire just like which i mention in that remembered if cut just 1 or 0.5 mm less or more it will huge effect antenna performance.

Final Touch-up the Antenna Body


Now you need to tinning at the end of shorter side of antenna. now you need take (10 or less then 10mm length) copper wire between 20 to 24 gauge for join antenna on the Wi-Fi receiver adaptor. I didn't find anything special to clamp antenna I just got 2 plastic tubes (white and orange)

Connection on Wi-Fi Receiver Adaptor PCB


Now can you see antenna on Wi-Fi receiver adaptor ? that's type antenna is called Inverted F type PCB antenna. I have mentioned connection point in that image which called Feed wire connection and Ground wire connection.

feed wire is centre wire and ground wire is outer mesh wire in coaxial wire. and If you know that I have not used coaxial wire but I have used ordinary copper wire because at that time i didn't have coaxial wire.

And if you will use ordinary copper wire then there will be maximum chance that you will loss the signal and that's why I just used 10mm length copper wire to connect antenna on Wi-Fi receiver adaptor.

USB Cable Connection


For more better receiver performance take a USB cable which is in working condition. cut one type "B" end of the USB cable and you will get Red, White, Green, Black and Ground wire.

Remove insulation onto all 4 wire and complete the tinning process. ground wire isn't important in this project cut it..😐

and now Connect all 4 USB wire on the Wi-Fi receiver adaptor. Be Careful at this moment. Wrong connection can blow up your Wi-Fi receiver.

Now I want to say Best of luck, I hope you will make it.

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