How to Lunge a Horse

by Horse Lunger in Outside > Survival

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How to Lunge a Horse


If you have ever heard of lunging then you might already know how to lunge or know the basics. I drew theses pictures so you can see how 'lunging a horse' is done.

What Is Lunging?


Lunging is very useful and lots of people lunge there horses. Lunging is where the horse walks, trots and lopes around you. You will have to have a lunge rope or lunge the horse in a round pen.

Respect and Trust

Lunging is for respect between you and the horse. The horse has to do all the work of going around you. The only time he gets rest is being with you. This tells him that being with you means rest not danger. So he can be sure that you are not going to harm him and he will be comfortable around you.

Signs the Horse Doesn't Want to Have Anything to Do With You

'Turning into the fence' is very bad. When lunging you can make the horse stop, walk, trot and lope. You can even turn the horse anyway you want. You get to control the horse and this tells the horse your the leader. But if the horse 'turns into the fence' this is bad. He must always have his eyes on you. He can't turn his hindquarters towards you when you want him to turn around. This means he's not interested and doesn't want anything to do with you. Also tossing his head means he's telling you 'get lost!'. Then mostly when lunging you have a whip and you whip the ground to tell him he's not in charge!

Signs Respect and Trust Towards You


When you end the lunging you approach the horse and pet him on the face. You can even pet him softly on the face by the end of the whip to show him that the whip isn't only to hurt him. If not he might think every tool you have harms him.

Then walk away and if he fallows you this means he likes you and wants to stay near you. This is also respect and trust towards you. The more lunging you do with a horse will teach the horse and yourself.

This will have a better effect on riding as well!