How to Stream Overseas TV in OpenElec Kodi on the Raspberry Pi 1, 2, 3, or Zero

by TechWizTime in Circuits > Raspberry Pi

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How to Stream Overseas TV in OpenElec Kodi on the Raspberry Pi 1, 2, 3, or Zero


In this Instructable, I'm going to show you how to install a VPN on OpenElec Kodi running on a Raspberry Pi. This method will work for a Raspberry Pi 1, 2, 3, or Zero running the latest OpenElec build.

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What You Need to Setup a VPN on a Raspberry Pi

How To Install PIA VPN in OpenElec Kodi on Raspberry Pi 2016


  1. Raspberry Pi 3
  2. 5V 2.5A Power Supply
  3. 8GB+ Micro SD Card (Recommend Samsung)


  1. OpenElec
  2. Zomboided Repository

Optional: If you don't already subscribe to a VPN Provider, I recommend Private Internet Access.

The video here is a video showing the process step-by-step. It is rather quick (2 Minute Tuesday is the theme) so pause and scrub back through to recap any step you may have missed.

NOTES: The Raspberry Pi 3 requires a 2.5A power supply so make sure you have one that is capable. I highly recommend Samsung Mico SD Cards due to a technology called Wear Leveling which greatly increases the life span of the memory card.

Preparing the Micro SD Card for OpenElec Kodi

How to Install Kodi OpenElec on Raspberry Pi 1 2 3

Firstly, make sure you download the latest OpenElec image from the OpenElec website. OpenElec is the Operating System that we will use in order to install Kodi and interact with the Raspberry Pi. For instructions on how to install OpenElec, watch the video in this step.

Download the Repository


Go to Zomboided GitHub Wiki Page and download the Zomboided Repository for Kodi

It should be called something like or a different version number in the near future.

Keep it inside it's zip file for the moment.

Find Out Your Raspberry Pi's IP Address


Jumping over to the Raspberry Pi now.

Once OpenElec Kodi has loaded up, we need to go to the System Menu and Choose the OpenElec Sub Menu.

Once there, go down to the Conenction section and make note of your Raspberry Pi's IP Address.

It will probably be something like or something similar.

Copy the Repository Zip File to the Pi Through Windows


Now there's a few way you could do this, but this is probably the easiest for Windows Users.

Open a Windows Explorer windows and in the Address bar, type in the Raspberry Pi's IP address but starting with \\ so it would look like \\ and then press enter.

Once it's loaded, go to the downloads folder.

Now we just need to copy the repository zip file we downloaded earlier to the Raspberry Pi downloads folder.

Installing the Repository and VPN Manager


Back again to the Raspberry Pi.

This time go to the System Menu and the Settings sub menu.

Choose Add-Ons and go to Install from Zip File.

Go down to Home Folder and then go to the Downloads Folder.

Choose the zip we transferred from the Repository and that will now be installed.

Now go to Install from Repository and down to Zomboided Repository.

Inside services section, choose VPN Manager and click Install.

VPN Manager Setup Wizard


Once that's done, go back to the main menu and across to Programs.

Choose VPN Manager and Addon settings.

Now click on Wizard.

The VPN Service I recommend and use is Private Internet Access.

Here, put in your Username and Password if you are using PIA.

Next, the VPN Manager will set some things up and now we can choose our encrytpion level.

I chose default and then after some more setting up, we need to choose the VPN Profile to use.

In this case, I'm choosing the US West Coast.

After a little bit more setup, VPN Manager will say we are successful.

Setting Up a Second VPN Profile (Different Country)


To setup a secondary connection, go into Addon settings and across to VPN Connections.

Choose Second VPN Connection and it will do some more loading.

Now for this Profile we will choose something like UK London as our connection.

After a little bit more setting up and it's done.

You now have a Second VPN Profile setup to quickly switch if you want to watch things from another country.

Checking Your Connection Status (If You Are Private)


If you want to make sure your connection is secure then follow these instructions.

Go down to Display Enhanced Information and here you can see if you are successfully connected to a VPN.

Simple really :)


Now you can stream content from other countries behind a VPN on your own Raspberry Pi with OpenElec Kodi installed.

If you enjoy this Instructable, consider checking out my TechWizTime YouTube Channel
And for a good source of genuine Samsung Micro SD Cards, check out my Samsung Micro SD Card Amazon List