How to Make a Flower Bed

by garden delights nursery in Living > Gardening

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How to Make a Flower Bed


Always opt to buy bare root perennial plants, which cost much less than conventional ones in containers at your local garden center. After all, you have soil and the container will most likely be thrown away. When you receive your bare root perennials, they will immediately need to be planted. Due to them not being in soil, they need soil and water to live, grow and thrive.

Tips on Depth to Plant Your Perennials

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It's important to leave the bud close to the top of the soil line when planting perennial bulbs. This enables them to easily come up from the ground in early spring and start growing to bloom. Most perennials do bloom in early to mid spring. They also need to be planted deep enough so harsh freezing temperatures will not shock the fragile bare roots and cause them to not come up the first spring.

Soil Level Is Important to Flowering Plants When Transplanting

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Regardless of what type perennial or flower bulbs you plant, late fall or early spring are both excellent planting times. Some nurseries insist that if you plant in the fall, the plants will have more time to settle and adapt to the soil after transplanting and do better for spring blooming than to plant ins spring then they must start growing and bloom. Either time according to the USDA is a fine time to plant perennials. As a matter of fact, all year round is a good time to plant if you get dormant perennials.

Make sure you fully submerge all the root system in the soil when planting. Do not plant too deep or this will stunt the growth the following spring and may hamper them from developing healthy tissue.

Water Perennials Well After Planting

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After you plant perennials, it's super important you water them right away. A light flow of water will soak into the soil and keep the roots and media surrounding the roots well moist. Experts and perennial growers tell us it's much needed to water for the first 5 days at least once a day on bare root perennials or containerized ones. Then after the first 5 days, water a couple times a week for maximum growth.

Come Spring, a Perfect Perennial Flower Garden

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In spring and summer, you will finally see the fruits of your labor of love and care will reward you with a beautiful flower bed or garden. Perennials are the #1 flower used in landscaping. They are affordable, easy to ship and plant plus when ordering mature plants, your guaranteed blooms the first spring. Some perennial multiplies and all perennials, unlike annual plants, will return each spring time. Perennials live for a decade or more. They do not require lots of maintenance and are one of home owner's favorite plants because they are easy, even for the amateur gardener.

Places to Buy Affordable Bare Rooted Perennial Plants


Tn Nursery- A long standing online nursery with tons of perennial choices.

Garden Delights Nursery - A vast assortment of perennials and they ship to all states fast.

Wholesale Nursery Co- Deep discounts on wholesale 100+ orders without a license anyone can buy & have shipped.

Trees- Plants Nursery - An older operation with good prices and good selection. Been around half a century.

Plant America Nursery- Featured Plants In Upscale Magazines. Affordable bulk prices too.