How to Get Warm in 7 Minutes

Hello, my name is Ella and I am a 5th grade student at the Maria von Linden Gymnasium in Calw, Germany.
This instructable will show you how to get warm in seven minutes. Now there are a lot of ways to stay warm like putting on many warm clothes, sitting close next to a fire or enjoying warm soups or teas, but my instructable is different.
I will be doing a warm up with seven unique exercises and I invite you to join me and have some fun doing it. I am in track and field and we do similar exercises. It helps us get warm and it decreases our chances of getting hurt before we do the actual training. However, this instructable is just for you to get warm.
How it works: I will show you the exercises and we will do it for 45 seconds. After that you will have a 15 second break to catch your breath. Then we will already start with the next exercise. Not only is it a great way to get warm fast, but it is also a very healthy for you.
• space around you
• comfortable clothes
• fun music
Jogging in Place

The first step is jogging in place. This will help you slowly get warmer. You can choose how fast or slow you can run, it´s completely up to you. So start jogging or walking fast on the same spot.
If you want to make this activity more fun, you can also jog around your house, garden or wherever you are. Go around trees, tables or chairs, in and out of rooms. There are a lot of ways that can make this exercises fun, so you can make it however challenging you want it to be. Either way you get really warm. Do this exercises for 45 seconds and then have a 15 second break until you can move onto the next exercise.
If you want you can turn on some music to have even more fun!
Arm Circles

Then next move will be arm circles. Since we just did an exercise for our legs, let´s move on to our arms. And by doing arm circles, your arms will warm up. Circle your arms first forward and then backwards. If you want to challenge yourself, try to move one arm forward and the other one backwards. When 45 seconds are over, you have a 15 second break.
Jumping Jacks

In this choreography I‘ll also include jumping jacks. You may ask: Why does this simple exercises have such a big impact on getting warm? Well, we already have used our arms and legs separately, and I am sure you probably are a little warm, but this exercise will get you to the next level. If you use all four of your limbs, your brain has to concentrate on more things at once.
This exersice is actually really easy. Move your arms up and down, while your legs are going inside and outside. Try to do this exercise slowly and steadily.
High Knees

The fourth move will be high knees. By forcing yourself to push your legs up and doing that quite fast you will realise that this is not so easy. You will want to stop after a few seconds, but try to keep pushing yourself. Do not forget to reach as high as possible with your legs. After you have done this exercises for 45 seconds and had a 15 second rest you can continue with the next exercise.

Now you will jump. Start off by jumping a few inches of the ground. Continue to jump higher and higher. You can jump in one place, slowly move by always jumping a little bit forward or you can even jump onto items like chairs, benches and stairs. Do this for 45 seconds and then as always have a 15 second break.

Squats are a simple exercise. Put your legs together and make sure to keep them together for this whole exercise. Bend your knees and slowly go down. You can keep your arms in front of yourself or behind you, whatever you like best. Some people even put their hands together. Make sure to do this exersice for 45 seconds and have a 15 second break to catch your breath.

This will be the hardest exersice of them all. Take your foot on the right and put it forward. Go underneath with your other foot and strech. Quickly place your foot that is streching next to your other foot and use this foot to go underneath the other. Do not forget to strech and do this exercise fast. Use your arm on the side where the foot is streching and go the same direction as the foot.
I hope you enjoyed those 7 minutes with me and that you are warm and comfortable now!