How to Frame a Wall Up

by CB132585 in Workshop > Home Improvement

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How to Frame a Wall Up


Hi, my name is Cole Busskohl.

I help people make rooms more spacious.

The more room you have the happier it makes you feel in a clustered space.

I’m going to teach you today how to frame a wall up. Since most people don’t want to hire a contractor for just one wall, I’m going to teach you in seven easy steps.


The supplies you need 16 nails that are 3 inches or longer. hammer, circular saw, tape measure, pencil, speed square. 2 top plate that are 2 by 4s and 4 two by four studs.

Find Where You Want the Wall


The first step is to find out where to put the new wall. Next take the tape measure and measure from the wall out to where the new wall will end. This measurement will be the same and it will be for the top and bottom plate. Remember the measurement or write it down so it's not forgotten. Next step take the measurements for the studs. Measure from the floor to the ceiling. Write down that measurement too. Take the measurements to town and get the lumber and materials that are needed.

Cutting Bottom and Top Plates


Step two: grab the tape measure, pencil, speed square, and saw. Next, grab the top and bottom plates. Take the tape measure and go across the top plate with it and mark it at the measurement that was wrote down. Next step, take the tape measure off and take the pencil and speed square and put the speed square a little behind the mark. Then take the pencil and go across the board with it, this will be a nice straight line to cut on. Do the same thing with the other plate. Then take the saw and cut it across the pencil line.

Cutting Studs


Step three: grab the studs and it’s going to be the same process as the top and bottom plate. Next step grab the tape measure, pencil, and speed square. Measure across studs with the tape measure. Mark the measurement that was wrote down. Next step, add three inches to the measurement for the studs so that the top and bottom plate can fit. Take the speed square out and put it a little behind the mark and take the pencil and go across the board. Then take the saw and cut it. Repeat this with all of the studs.

Laying Out Studs


Step four: time to lay out the studs. Next grab the top and bottom plate, tape measure, pencil, and speed square, take the tape measure and measure across the two by four. The first measurement will be at 1 ½ inches. Keep the tape measure on the board, go 16 inches. Most tape measures have a red box on every 16 inches so go to the first red box and mark 15 ¼, put a mark on that. The reason why we mark it at 15 ¼ is because the two by four is 1 ½ inches thick so by putting it ¾ back it will make the studs 16 inches on center. Next, go to the next red box which should be 32 inches go back ¾ so it will be at 31 ¼ put a mark. Keep doing this until the red boxes go past the end of the two by four. Once at the end, measure 1 ½ inches in so there is a two by four at the end of the wall.

Drawing Your Marks


Step five: grab the top and bottom plate put them right next to each other so they are flush on each end so that the ends feel like they are one board. If not perfect it's ok, don’t freak out. Nobody makes a perfect cut. Next grab the speed square and pencil and put the speed square on the two by four a little behind the mark. Take the pencil and mark it across the two two by fours so it’s one straight line across. Repeat this until all of the marks are done. Next take the pencil on the left side of the first line draw a X for both top and bottom plates, do it for both of the first marks. The rest of the lines that were drawn, put a X on each right side of the lines even the last line, put it on the right side for both bottom and top plates. Put the X on the right side. The reason why I put a X on it, so I know which side my stud is going on.

Crowning Studs


Step six: next take the studs and crown them. Crown them means whichever way they bend, put it down or up but make sure the rest of them are all crowned the same way. Now put the top plate on it’s side. Next grab the crowned studs, put them on the side and every X put one there. Next take the bottom plate and put it on the bottom of studs. Then put it on its side and put the studs on the X’s like the top plate.

Attaching the Studs


Step seven: Grab the hammer and the nails. Next take two nails, pound them into the top plate a little ways just enough so they don't have to be held. Next grab the stud and make sure the first stud is flush with the outside of the top plate and make sure it's flush with the top of the top plate. Once this is accomplished, take the hammer and pound the first nail in. If it stayed flush, then pound the second nail in. If it didn’t stay flush, it can always be hit back to where it's needed. Next step take the stud and put the edge of it right on the line so the middle of the two by four covers the X. Then make sure it’s flush with the top of the top plate. Once this is done then pound in the two nails. Keep repeating this until the last stud is the same as the first one. Make sure it’s flush with outside of the top plate and the top is flush. The bottom plate will be exactly the same as the top plate. Once this is accomplished, the wall is built and can be put where it's needed.