How to Fast

by iMac in Living > Health

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How to Fast

People fast for religious reasons, such as fasting to show leagence to there God to show they will sacrifice food for the love of him.

However it can be unhealthy, if not done safely.

In this instructables I will explain how to prepare for a fast, how to fast, and who shouldn't fast.


Its important to prepare for your fast so you increase the odds of achieving you goal.

A good idea is to write down all the instructions for your fast and organize a plan and schedule on paper before you begin. This is important because once the fast begins, you might try to convince yourself to quit. The schedule can then act as a contract you have made with the fast that you must keep. Remind youself why you are doing the fast and remember that it is important.

It is also important to quite your addictions in the days prior to your fast. Cut down on caffeine, salt, sugar etc. If you stop eating them off all of a sudden, you may experience cravings, headaches, stomachaches and a overall feeling of discomfort

Prior to your fast, start eating smaller meals and drinking lots of water.. Cutting down your meals a few days before prepares your mind, stomach, and appetite for the fast. On the day before your fast eat small meals every 2 hours, and resist the temptation to eat a big meal the night before the fast

The last meal before the fast eat high carbohydrate and low salt foods.
Sit down for the final meal before the fast at least an hour before the fast begins so there is no rush to eat quickly. Make sure not eat too much in the meal, but drink plenty of water.
Leave time after the meal and before the fast to drink warm water with sugar.

On the Fast

How long you fast, the kind of fast you undertake, and how you adjust your work schedule depends mostly on your occupation. People who are engaged in more physical activities will not be able to fast as long as someone who lives a less active life style.
Throughout your fast, you may feel somewhat weaker than normal. During the first few days, you may feel tired and irritable. Lightening your workload and cutting down on strenuous exercise would be a very good idea to maintain your health and your morale.

The prospect of going without food for an extended period of time may be of concern to some. But there are ways to ensure that your body is getting the nutrients it needs so you can remain safe and healthy during your fast. Drink fruit and vegetable juices. The natural sugars in juices provide energy, and the taste and strength are motivational to continue your fast. Try to drink fresh juices, if possible. Off-the-shelf juice products are acceptable, as long as they are 100% juice with no sugar or other additives.

Finishing Your Fast

Once your fast is over, it is important to work your way up to a normal diet.
Heres an example of how to get off of a 7 day fast

Breaking a Seven-Day Fast

5 o'clock as you end your 7th day of the fast

Peal four or five medium-sized tomatoes - cut them up, bring them to a boil and then turn off the heat. When they are cool enough to eat, have as many as you desire.
Morning of the 8th day

Salad of grated carrots and grated cabbage, with half an orange squeezed over it.
Bowl of steamed greens and pealed tomatoes (spinach, Swiss chard, or mustard greens). Bring the greens to a boil, then turn off the heat.
You may eat two slices of 100 percent whole-wheat bread, which has been toasted until it is thoroughly dry-this is called "Melba toast." After it has been cooled, the toast should be so dry that it would powder if you squeezed it in the palm of your hand. As I have stated, this first food should be in the morning.
During the day, you may have all the distilled water you wish to drink.
For dinner, you may have a salad of grated carrots, chopped celery and cabbage, with orange juice for dressing. This will be followed by two cooked vegetables, one such as spinach, kale, shard, or mustard greens, and one such as string beans, carrots, steamed celery, okra, or squash. You may have two pieces of whole-grain "Melba toast." These meals are not to contain oils of any kind.
Morning of the 9th day

You may have a dish of any kind of fresh fruit, such as banana, pineapple, orange, sliced grapefruit, or sliced apples. You may sprinkle this with two tablespoonfuls of raw wheat germ, and sweeten it with honey, but not over one tablespoonful
At noon you may have a salad of grated carrots, cabbage, and celery, with one cooked vegetable and one slice of "Melba toast."
At dinner you may have a salad dish of lettuce, watercress, parsley, and tomatoes, and two cooked vegetables.

Who Shouldn't Fast

Just as some people shouldn't diet, there are some people how shouldn't fast.

You must not fast if you have these conditions
Heart Disease
Bleeding Ulcers
Blood Disease
Liver Disease
Kidney Disease

Pregnant women have been known to fast, but it is not recommended.
Also, If you are very skinny, it is not recumended to fast

Consult your doctor about fasting if you have any of these conditions.