Wooden Guitar Picks
most guitar picks are made with a CNC but unfortunately I don't have one(yet..) so my way of making guitar picks is very simple and affective, with more common tools My picks are normally made with veneer, which have yielded me the best results. These picks are very easy and fun to make, great project to do with kids!
Step One: Choosing the Wood
I bought all thin sheets of exotic lumber on eBay for 16$ and got a large variety of really nice lumber so if your looking for a cheap option: go for eBay
Glueing Up the Blank( I Guess Blank Is the Best Word for It)
Cutting to Pick to Rough Size
Then use a coping saw/ scroll saw to cut the shape out
if you cut to far inside there's no coming back and you have just wasted a blank
I don't recomend using a bandsaw as it might be a little small for it. But I don't really know becuase I've never used a bandsaw.
Now you have the rough shape of the pick and next step is going to be shaping
*note* if you used the paper outline, don't take it off just yet we you need it for shaping
Shaping/sanding (a Lot)
Yes it's upside down
Yes I can really hold the piece steady
But hey, it works for me
Before I made this I used my mouse sander,and before that I did it by hand so any way really works
Keeping the paper on the rough cut start sanding down to your line making sure to not pass it by being too aggressive
Once you have the shape now it's time to bevel the edges this is easiest to do by hand and is totally based on preference
Once your done shaping start sanding up in the grits. I prefer to stop at 400 just so when I wax/laquer te pick, it comes out extra smooth and shiny
I've really only tried 2 finishes for my picks: spray laquer and wax
For spray laquer- I took a scrap of mdf and put some nails into it and cut of the heads (shout out to Steve Ramsey of woodworking for mere mortals for this idea) and rested the pick on top. Then following the cans directions spray about 3 coats onto the first surface and then let dry for about 15 minutes
Then flip it over and do 3 coats for the bottom
*note* if you used a laquer finish just be warned the when using the guitar pick to play music the laquer will eventually get scraped off I recomend only using laquer if making them into necklaces. If you want to use it practically, wax is the way to go!
For wax- just put some onto a paper towel and rub it on the pick it's really simple but not as durable as laquer