How to Draw Labs for Beginniers

by alperkins2 in Living > Education

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How to Draw Labs for Beginniers

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 Hello new medical staff and students. Today I am going to go over the process of phlebotomy (drawing blood). With phlebotomy you will be using the venipuncture method. To complete this task, you will be using a special needle known as the butterfly needle. 


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The supplies you will need are alcohol pads, a small gauze or cotton ball, a band aid, a tourniquet, butterfly needle, hub, and the test tube you will need to fill with blood. The test tubes come in different sizes and colors based on the additives in them and the test that they are used for.     


Perform Hand hygiene.

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Position patient's arm to where you can examine and palpate the bend of the arm.

How To Apply a Tourniquet For Blood Draw 🩸 #Phlebotomy #Venipuncture #MedicalAssistant

Now you will take your tourniquet and tie it 2 to 3 fingers above the bend of the arm. When tying a tourniquet, you bring the tourniquet behind the arm, holding it on each end, you will pull the ends towards you, pull tight but not so tight the tourniquet becomes thin in the back of the patient’s arm cutting the skin. Then cross the ends as if you are about to tie your shoes. Then take the end that is at the bottom and tuck the middle behind the crossing part but do not push the end all the way down. Push it through enough to create a small loop against the arm. 

Using 1 or 2 fingers you will gently palpate the center of the arm, feeling for a rubber band like bounce under the skin. Once you’ve found your spot that you will stick, pull the short end of the tourniquet for a quick release. Remember a tourniquet can only be on for 60 seconds. 

 Open your butterfly needle and screw on the hub on the gray rubber needle end. The butterfly needle should look like the image shown below.

Retie tourniquet, gently palpate around the site you chose, make sure you feel the bounce under the skin. Once you have the spot wipe the spot with the alcohol pad to clean the area. 

Phlebotomy Procedure: Venipuncture with 21G Butterfly #education #phlebotomy #tutorials

 Pick up needle by wings or by the clear safety end under the wings. Then make sure the bevel is up, angle the needle, and insert the needle into skin until you see the red flash of blood. 

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Gently grab the hub of the needle with your non-dominant hand and grab the tube with the other hand and push it in the middle of the hub until the gray needle punctures the top and the blood will start to flow into the tube. Remember ALWAYS go by the ORDER OF DRAW.  As you are switching tubes invert each tube 3-4 times before starting another tube. 

Once you’ve finished filling all your tubes invert them again 3-4 times. Grab your gauze and lightly place it over the needle site, then remove the needle. Once needle is removed press down on top of the gauze or ask the patient to hold the gauze for you so you can safely cap the needle. Either pull the tube back and retract the needle that way or there’s a tiny black button you can press that will quickly retract the needle back. It depends on which type of butterfly needle you are using. 

Lift the gauze to check the site to make sure the vein has not blown. Now that you’ve made sure the site is good you will open your band aid and place it across the gauze to keep it in place. Label your test tubes with the correct labels. Discard your needle into sharps and throw away all trash. Make sure the area is clean and neat. Thank your patient and leave the room.