How to Drape a Client Before Shampooing
by kayleenasimons in Living > Beauty
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How to Drape a Client Before Shampooing

You may think draping a client before getting shampooed is silly, but it is actually essential! The client probably does not want water on his or her clothing, which is why the drape is there to help prevent water from getting on the client's neck. Because of sanitation and hygiene, it is also essential to protect yourself as a hairstylist; draping helps maintain cleanliness by preventing contact with your hands and the client's skin.

You will need a towel and a cape for the client.
Preparing the Client

You will need to ask the client to remove all jewelry that may be in the way, place the towel around the client's neck, secure the cape, unfold the cape, and place it over the towel, making sure it covers the client's neck; then, you will need to fasten it. Ensure the drape is comfortable, not too tight for the client, and completely covers the client's neck.
Doing It

Before shampooing clients, start by having them sit comfortably in the salon chair. Place a clean, dry towel around their neck to protect their skin and clothing from water. Drape a cape over the towel and fasten it securely around the client's neck. Ensure the cape covers their shoulders and back so water does not get on them.
All Done!
You may think these small steps into draping a client aren't necessary, but they are! You need to make sure your client feels welcomed and safe.