How to Do 3 SUPABAD DEADLY 360 Kicks

by tmagruder99 in Outside > Survival

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How to Do 3 SUPABAD DEADLY 360 Kicks


Greetings! I'm Tahvis Magruder and I will be teaching you 3 different 360 degree kicks that will chop, strike, and drop your opponent. With less than 5 steps I'll have you in the air, releasing the most deadliest 360 degree kicks that I been taught under the instruction of Black Belt Dwayne Christian of the New York Branch of Chang Moo Kwan.

Begin With a Solid Stance


Your feet should be flat on the floor and your knees should be slightly bent. This is so you won't be knocked over and also for a more powerful attack. You should feel the floor on all areas of your feet and you should have a slight squatting position to bend both your knees.

Dip Then Leap Into the Air


Once you're solid in your stance dip your body, meaning bend your knees even deeper and leap into the air as high as you can or as high as your target is. You must bend your knees to prepare your thighs and your legs for the jump you are about to take.The deeper you dip, the higher your leap should be. You leap to attack your opponent with more elevation and more height than you would standing straight up. Your feet should be completely off the floor, you're not just jumping but you're leaping into the air. You should feel the leap in your thighs and calf muscle.

Twist Your Torso Clockwise and Prepare Your Back Leg for Your Kick


As you elevate from the floor, twist your torso clockwise and your back leg should begin to rise. This technique should almost feel like ur winding your body. Your torso twists, then your hips twist, then your legs should twist and as this is happening in the air, your back leg meaning the leg thats not in front of you but behind you when you look down should rise. This is the kick that you will use to attack your opponent. Your back shoulder should be the first thing turning and the last thing returning to your spot of origin. When you jump off the floor, twist your body so much that if you were to land you would be back where you started. Your shoulders should be on the side you started. Your leading leg should be where you started. Your back leg should be where you started. What you're doing is a 360 degree spin, similar to the completion of a circle or a clock to be technical. Once you get a hang of this 360 spin, practice rising your back leg while in the air. You should feel your back leg rising and only your back leg.'

Blade Your Foot and Bring Your Kick All the Way Through


As you're twisting your body and rising your back leg, prepare your foot for the attack by blading your foot. To blade your foot focus on the side where your pinky toe lies. Rotate your foot to that side and attack with that side and only that side your foot. This for a safe and effective way to hurt your opponent without harming yourself in the process. As you focus your bladed foot, bring your back leg alongside your body with force. Alongside your body meaning as your body is twisting airborne, your leg should be out and bladed ready to strike whatever's in its path. Once your target is back in view, attack with your foot in almost a smacking motion. There should be some sound of impact as your bladed foot comes in contact with your target. If theres no sound coming from this attack, add more force. If your foot doesn't contact with your target maybe you should leap less high or maybe you should focus your sight on the target. Meaning throughout the whole twist, your target should be in your sight, You should lose sight of your target for only a split second but once you see it again ATTACK! Additionally, measure your distance. Are you too far in, are you too far out. You should know your leg length. Is it too long to be this close, is it too short to be far? This should be the thoughts coming to your mind.

Twist Back to Your Place of Origin


Once you've released your attack return back to how you started before you leaped into the air. Your front foot should be the first to meet the floor, back flat on the floor and right in front of you once you return back to your stance. Secondly, your back leg should return back on the floor. Lastly, twist your torso back to your position. Meaning the shoulder that you twisted with first should be the last part of your body to return back in origin. Practice, Practice, Practice. On the first go you are not expected to master this kick but practice. Prop something soft or light in a high elevation in front of you and see if you can kick it out of your foots way. If you can, congratulations you now know how to do a chopping 360 kick.

Begin With a Solid Stance and Your Leading Arm Sticking Out

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As stated for our first kick, the Chopping 360 Kick, your feet should be flat on the floor and your knees should be slightly bent. This is so you won't be knocked over and also for a more powerful attack. You should feel the floor on all areas of your foot and you should have a slight squatting position to bend both your knees. Once you do, stick your leading hand out, meaning the arm that's on the side of your leading leg. Have you arm straight out with your palms open and facing the side your back foot is facing. Fingers straight out and solid. The other arm should be chambered, meaning your hand should be balled into a fist stiffly connected to the side of your hip. The chambered arm should be bent and your leading arm should be straight out, parallel to your shoulders.

Raise Your Foot Toward Your Hand


As your leading hand is sticking out, raise your back leg. Position your foot so that when you come in contact with your leading hand that should be sticking straight out, the palm of your foot when come in contact with the palm of your hand. Position your leading foot so that it is no longer facing opposite of where your shoulders are facing but facing the same direction. Reposition your foot so you can maintain balance when you kick your leading hand out the way. Your foot should rise from the ground to where your leading hand is positioned. Make sure not to try to move your leading hand to shorten the distance between that hand and your foot. Keep your hand straight out and your foot should connect with your leading hand, not the other way around.

Smack the Hand Out the Way and Continue Your Spin


Once you have smacked your leading hand out the way, congrats you have done an inside crescent kick. Your not finished yet but that was the kick that took you 180 degrees from your original spot. You will now continue your spin to complete the 360 kick. You should now have smacked your hand and you should now be turning clockwise.

Smack the Hand Out and Complete the 360 Turn


Once you've placed your back foot on the ground, your leading foot will then take charge of your next move. Make sure your back leg is solid on the ground because you'll need it to leap into the air in a few seconds.

Raise Your Back Leg to Your Leading Palm


As you continue to turn clockwise you will then lift your leading leg off the floor and into a high knee position while turning clockwise. High knee position meaning your knees should be up to your hip and your shin should be parallel to your now back leg that is now grounded on the floor and your spinning on.Once your knee is to your hip leap off the ground with your back leg. At this moment, both legs should be high in the air during this clockwise spin.

Smack the Arm Out and Continue Clockwise


Being the same leading hand you smacked before and stick it back out while in the air. Your leading leg should be in the high knee position and your back leg should now come in contact with the palm of the leading hand that was smacked with the inside crescent kick. The palm of your new back foot should come in contact with your palm. As the attack is approaching your palm hand, Drop your leading foot back on the ground.

Place Your Foot Back on the Ground and Return Back to Origin


Once you have smacked your leading hand, which will be your second time. Land your leading foot that just kicked your hand back into your place of origin. Meaning your leading leg will be the leg that you had in the high knee position and your back leg will be the leg that just kicked your leading hand. You should now be facing the same position you faced before your inside crescent kick. Practice, Practice, Practice. On the first go you are not expected to master this kick but practice. Practice by positioning or hanging a high target. If you've hit it and landed back in your place of origin, congrats, you now know how to do an inside crescent 360 kick.

Begin With a Solid Stance


We have come to our final kick, the Axe Kick 360. The start, as mentioned in both the Chopping and Inside Crescent 360 Kicks,stand in a solid stance. Which means your feet should be flat on the floor and your knees should be slightly bent. This is so you won't be knocked over and also for a more powerful attack. You should feel the floor on all areas of your foot and you should have a slight squatting position to bend both your knees.

Dip Then Leap Into the Air


Once you're solid in your stance, dip your body. Meaning bend your knees even deeper and leap into the air as high as you can or as high as your target is. You must bend your knees to prepare your thighs and your legs for the jump you are about to take.The deeper you dip, the higher your leap should be. You leap to attack your opponent with more elevation and more height than you would standing straight up. Your feet should be completely off the floor, you're not just jumping but you're leaping into the air. You should feel that leap in your thighs and calf muscle.

Twist Your Torso Clockwise and Prepare Your Back Leg for Your Kick


As you elevate from the floor, twist your torso clockwise and your back leg should begin to raise. This technique should almost feel like you're winding your body. Your torso twists, then your hips twist, then your legs should twist and as this is happening in the air your back leg meaning the leg thats not in front of you but behind you when you look down should rise.This is the kick that you will use to attack your opponent. Your back shoulder should be the first thing turning and the last thing returning to your spot of origin. When you jump off the floor, twist your body so much that if you were to land you would be back where you started. Your shoulders should be on the side you started. Your leading leg should be where you started. Your back leg should be where you started.Once you get a hang of this 360 spin, practice rising your back leg while in the air. You should feel your back leg rising and only your back leg.'

Drop Your Foot Above Your Opponent


Once your foot is well above your opponent, this time you're not smacking your opponent but with the heel of your foot, striking them above the head. Like an axe you are rising your foot and then dropping it above your opponents head. If your opponent or target has dropped to the ground or has lowered in overall height, you have effectively axe 360 kicked your opponent.

Return Your Back Leg Back to Its Position


Once you've axe kicked your target or opponent, swoop your axe foot back behind the leading leg and return back to your spot of origin. Return back to your solid stance just in case you've missed or to prepare yourself to make another attack in needed be. Lastly, twist your torso back to your position. Meaning the shoulder that you twisted with first should be the last part of your body to return back in origin. Practice, Practice, Practice. On the first go you are not expected to master this kick but practice. Prop something soft or light that is above to be hit overhead or crushed in a high elevation in front of you and see if you can drop kick your object. If you can, congratulations you now know how to do an axe 360 kick.