How to Divide Flower Bulbs

by garden delights nursery in Outside > Backyard

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How to Divide Flower Bulbs


Dividing flower bulbs is a common gardening practice to promote healthier growth and multiply your plant collection.



Flower bulbs to divide

Garden gloves

Trowel or garden fork

Pruning shears or sharp knife

Compost or well-draining soil

Garden markers (optional)

Mulch (optional)

Choose the Right Time


Choose the right time

The best time to divide flower bulbs depends on their type:

  • Spring-blooming bulbs: Divide in late summer to early fall, after the foliage has died.
  • Summer-blooming bulbs: Divide in early spring before new growth starts.
  • Fall-blooming bulbs: Divide in late spring or early summer after they finish flowering.

Gather Your Tools

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Ensure you have all the necessary tools and materials ready before you divide the bulbs.

Prepare the Planting Area


Select a sunny or partially shaded location in your garden with well-draining soil. Clear any weeds or debris from the area and amend the soil with compost if needed.

Dig Up the Bulbs


Using a trowel or garden fork, carefully dig up the clump of bulbs you want to divide. Dig around the perimeter of the clump to avoid damaging the bulbs. Lift the clump out of the ground.

Separate the Bulbs


Once you've removed the clump from the ground, gently separate the bulbs from each other. You can do this by hand or use pruning shears or a sharp knife to cut them apart. Make sure each bulb has roots attached.

Inspect the Bulbs


Check each bulb for signs of disease or rot. Discard any bulbs that appear damaged or unhealthy. This ensures that you only replant healthy bulbs.

Replant the Bulbs


Dig holes for each bulb at the appropriate planting depth, usually two to three times the bulb's height. Place the bulb in the hole with the roots facing downward and cover it with soil. Space the bulbs according to the recommended spacing for the specific type of flower.

Water and Mulch (optional)


Water the newly planted bulbs thoroughly to settle the soil and provide moisture for root development. If desired, apply a layer of mulch to help retain moisture, suppress weeds, and regulate soil temperature.

Label (optional)


If you're dividing different types of bulbs or want to keep track of where each variety is planted, use garden markers to label the areas.



Continue to water your newly divided bulbs regularly, especially during dry spells, to help them establish and grow. Follow the care instructions specific to the type of bulbs you've divided.

With proper care, your divided flower bulbs should thrive and produce beautiful blooms in their new locations. Repeat this process to maintain healthy and abundant flower displays in your garden.