How to Decorate an Ordinary Box With a Unique Foil Stamping

by Mary Simons in Craft > Printmaking

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How to Decorate an Ordinary Box With a Unique Foil Stamping


Hi, guys! I’m really glad that my previous Instructable was a success! Today, I’m going to share another interesting idea with you – the one that I have discovered a few weeks ago. It is not a secret that everyone of us has lots of tea or candy boxes. Sometime, we just don’t know what to do with them – we don’t wish to throw them away and we don’t see the reason to keep in at home. In this Instructable, I’m going to offer you an extraordinary and unique decision. It will surely make any box personalized and one-of-a-kind! So, let’s start!



To decorate an ordinary box with foil stamping, you will need to prepare the following supplies:

· A metallic or aluminum box that was used to store tea, candies or other food products

· Durable and strong foil

· A piece of thick carton

· A plastic spoon

· A knife

· A DIY stencil with any pattern you would like to transfer onto the box

· An ordinary pencil that is not sharp

Get the Box Ready


Take a piece of durable and strong foil and a box. Some boxes (like the one I used for this Instructable) may already have large letters on the top of it. If this is so, don’t fall into despair, because that’s very easy to fix with an ordinary piece of thick carton. Just cut it thoroughly to match the shape of the box.

Put the Box Onto Foil


Get a wide piece of foil (preferably, the one that is used to wrap presents). Put the one side of the box onto it and measure the piece you will require to wrap the whole box. Do not cut the foil with regard to the measurements you have made – leave an extra piece, which may come in handy to you later.

Make the Surface of the Foil Smooth


Take the plastic spoon and try to make the surface of the foil as smooth as possible with its help. Apply enough force, but don’t overestimate your forces – otherwise, you can damage the foil. And, of course, use the back side of the spoon.

Attach Another List of Foil


Take another piece of foil of the same size and attach it to the foil cover you have just made on the first side. You can use the strip of foil to cover the box as well. Make the surface smooth again with the help of the back side of the plastic spoon – just like you did in the previous step.

Cut the Foil


As far as we have left an extra piece of foil that we could need when measuring the box, we should use the knife to cut the exact size of foil we need for the cover. So, take the knife and cut the foil according to the measurements you have made before.

Fold-Under the Foil Cover


Take a plastic spoon and patiently fold-under the foil cover. Don't be in a hurry, when accomplishing this task. Otherwise, you can spoil the foil cover and the pattern will not be transferred the way it should.

Apply the DIY Stencil


Take the DIY stencil you have prepared in advance and put it on the cover of your box. With the help of the pencil, transfer the pattern onto the foil cover of your box, but make sure the pencil is not very sharp so that it could not damage the foil.

Take Away the Stencil and Enjoy the Result!


If you do everything correctly and with regard to the instructions I’ve published in this Instructable, the pattern should ideally transfer onto the surface of the foil cover. If you need, you can use the pencil to enhance the design and make it more obvious.

Choose the Design


The designs may be versatile – just look at a couple of them I’ve made for my close friends. You can customize the design to your liking and make it the best present for your loved one. Or you can make several foil-covered boxes and sale them to someone else. Your imagination is unlimited here! This can even become one of the sources of extra income for you. If you need a more decent job, however, then there are job engines that can help you get the one you need. Good luck!