How to Create a Button and Handle Button Click Events in Tkinter (ttkbootstrap) With Python

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How to Create a Button and Handle Button Click Events in Tkinter (ttkbootstrap) With Python

Creating a Button and Configuring Button Click Event in Tkinter (ttkbootstrap) GUI using Python

In this Instructable we’ll guide you through the process of creating a button in a Tkinter window, customizing its appearance using ttkbootstrap, and defining the actions to take when the button is clicked. You’ll learn how to make your button functional by triggering a specific action each time the user interacts with it.

Tkinter is Python's standard library for creating graphical user interfaces (GUIs), and with the addition of ttkbootstrap, building modern, visually appealing apps becomes even easier.

You can find the original article on creating buttons using tkinter along with source code here



This is a pure software Project.

  1. You will need to download a Python interpreter from the internet.
  2. Windows /Linux /Mac PC
  3. If you like an IDE like thonny or Pycharm.

Please install the ttkbootstrap library before you run our code using

pip install ttkbootstrap

Creating a Simple Button in Tkinter


Buttons are a fundamental part of any GUI, and they allow users to interact with your application. We will show you how to create a simple button and apply a stylish theme to it using ttkbootstrap.

Please type the following code to create a simple button using tkinter(ttkbootstrap)

import ttkbootstrap
root = ttkbootstrap.Window()
root.title('Button Handling in ttkbootstrap')
root.geometry('300x300') # width x height

# Create a button using ttkbootstrap with the text 'Hello'
MyButton = ttkbootstrap.Button(text = 'Hello')

# Place the button inside the window using .pack(), with some vertical padding (50 pixels)
MyButton.pack(pady = 50)


The line of code MyButton = ttkbootstrap.Button(text = 'Hello') creates a button using the ttkbootstrap library in Python.

The text='Hello' argument sets the label of the button, so it will display the text "Hello" on the button.

On Running this code we will get a simple button with the word Hello on it.

Button is clickable but since we have not defined an event handler it doesn't do anything

How to Set Up Button Click Event Handlers in Tkinter


Once you've successfully created a button, the next step is to ensure that your application responds to user interactions specifically, when the button is clicked. To achieve this, you need to handle the button click event by defining a function that will be executed when the user clicks the button.

In Tkinter, the button click event can be managed by defining a handler function, which contains the actions you want to occur when the button is clicked. You then link this handler function to the button using the command option.

Here is the code for doing that .

MyButton = ttkbootstrap.Button(text = 'Hello',command = MyButton_handler)

The command argument in Tkinter binds an event, such as a button click, to a function which you have to define.

In this case, command=MyButton_handler associates the button click event with the MyButton_handler function.

This means that whenever the user clicks the button, Python will invoke the MyButton_handler function and execute the actions defined within it.

The command option is what makes the button interactive, enabling you to define custom behaviors. For instance, you could program the MyButton_handler function to perform various actions like printing a message to the console, updating a label, or even modifying the properties of the window.

Here is the full code for this

import ttkbootstrap

def MyButton_handler():
print('You Clicked Me')

root = ttkbootstrap.Window()

root.title('Button Handling in ttkbootstrap')
root.geometry('300x300') # width x height

MyButton = ttkbootstrap.Button(text = 'Hello',command = MyButton_handler)
MyButton.pack(pady =50)


Full source code can be downloaded from the tkinter tutorial website page

On running this you will see You clicked me printed on the console everytime you click the Button.