How to Create Utah Map Using ArcGIS
by Meaning28859416 in Workshop > Science
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How to Create Utah Map Using ArcGIS

Arc maps can be downloaded from ESRI website on any computer. ArcGIS maps are also available on all Computer Labs. Computer Labs can be found in each building of Main Campus and Davis Campus ( 10 locations). These applications are also available throughout Science Building labs.

Application is called "ArcGIS 10.5". Once launched you will see this window. Below "File" click to open a blank page. Navigate to the Icon "Add Data" and click on "Add Data From ArcGIS Online"

This page will appear. Search "Utah" and then click on "Utah Senate District". Cclick "Add".

Map is colored blue. To change the color of the map, click on a blue icon located inside the "Table of Contents" window.
Another window will appear. Select the color and click "OK".

Repeat the step #2 again and add Utah State Parks

From"ArcGIS Online" search "Utah Counties" and "Utah State Parks". Click "Add".

From"ArcGIS Online" search "Utah Highways" and click "Add".
Right click on each file such (counties, highways, interstate and cities) that appears.
Repeat the steps for any additional features you would like to add.

and click “Add features” .This is the finished product. It is a basic map of State of Utah. Other features can be added. From "File" menu you can choose to download this map in either jpeg or pdf format.