How to Cover a Bald Spot

by Doctored Locks in Living > Beauty

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How to Cover a Bald Spot

How to Cover a Bald Spot with Extensions-
How to cover a bald spot.png

Bald spots can be a hard and frustrating ailment to deal with, but we can help! In this video Doc will show you step by step how to cover bald spots so you won't have to worry about them any longer!

For this tutorial you will need:

*Note: Be sure that your lace, thread, and linkies correspond with your hair color! This is imperative to achieving a seamless installation.

We recommend watching the video and gathering all of your items before starting this tutorial, as it is fairly intensive.

Attach Beads

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Clip back hair to expose thinning or bald spot. Load beads onto your microneedle. Using your needle, carve off a small section of hair at the edge of your bald spot. Split the section of hair in two. Slip a bead from your microneedle on to one of the legs of hair, then position your microneedle so that you can pull the second leg of hair through the bead, making an "X" with your hair. Using your fingers, adjust the tightness of the "X", and the use your closing tool to clamp down the bead. Continue doing this all the way around the edges of your bald spot.

Make a Track

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Once you have a ring of beads going all the way around your bald spot, go back through and connect the legs of your "X" hairs, using the same method and motion you did the first time around. This second set of beads will add stability to the rest of your installation.

Add Lace

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Take a piece of your swiss lace and cover your bald area. The lace should be a little bit larger than the bald spot, you can trim it up later. Be sure to be as careful as you can be with the lace, it's very fragile. Using your weave needle and thread, sew the lace to your linkies track all the way around the bald spot. When you've made the full circle, cut the needle off of your thread and take your microneedle and pull one leg of the thread so that it comes out underneath the linkies track and the other stays on top. This way, when you tie your anchoring knot, you'll be able to conceal it easily.

Attach First Weft

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Hold your weft up to your bald spot, cut it to the correct size. Sew your first section of weft along the bottom linkies track you created at the edge of your bald spot. Just like in the previous step, once you've completed sewing, use your microneedle to pull one leg of thread beneath the track so you can create finished, concealable knots.

Attach Second Weft

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Position second weft above the first. You'll attach the second weft similarly to how you attached the first, but sew into the lace instead of the bottom track. Again, remember to be careful as the lace is very delicate.

Attach Third Weft

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For the third weft we used a dark thread to show you how concealable this can be with the proper color. (Be sure to be using the proper color the ENTIRE time for your personal installation). Attach the last weft to the top linkies track, finishing with anchoring, secure knots.

Cut, Blend, and Style

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It is unlikely that after your installation your wefts will blend seamlessly without any styling. Be sure to cut the wefts to the appropriate length, and use a razor to help blend and match the thickness of your installation hair to the thickness of your client's hair. Style accordingly.


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This installation can last anywhere from 4-6 weeks, it really depends on how fast your client's hair grows. When your ready to remove, clip away the extra hair to expose your installation and cut away the thread. Then, using your universal linkies opener, open all of the beads and slip them out of the hair. If you've taken good care of the extension wefts, you can reuse them for another installation.