How to Cool Pets With Frozen Treats

by jprussack in Living > Homesteading

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How to Cool Pets With Frozen Treats


Chickens run hot! Just like dogs the chickens start to pant. As the temp gets into the 90s they start to hold out their wings. Honestly.. they are fine in the shade.

Kitchen Scraps... We regularly give them scraps from the kitchen and here's a way to make them even an even better treat!

For Dogs... the easiest way to get a dog excited for this is to add some meat juice. The chickens don't mind the juice either!

Frozen Scraps


Here's how I make their treats for hot days:

  • Scraps - regularly scraps go straight to the chickens. A few pies were recently baked and the leftover strawberry tops, cherry pits and egg shells were ready for the ladies.
  • A Cup - a plastic cup is perfect.
  • Water - pretty simple

Hanger Option


Does it matter if the ice gets a little dirty? Our chickens eat dirt very regularly and it's healthy for them. They use the fine sand grains to help their gizzards grind down food. That said, the less chicken poo they come in contact with the better.

The Hanger... I reused a simple yard flag from an invisible fence system. Always happy to score up wire!
A simple bend and it's ready for the freezer.

Happy Backyard Chickens


Scratching. We love our backyard ladies. Watching them scratch the soil is similar to watching a fire. There is a certain rhythm to the ladies task that is very relaxing.

Treats. The regular scratch is very different from the euphoria they experience when treats are introduced. Very similar to little puppies... think this would be a good treat for dogs as well.

Here are a few more I've put together on raising backyard chickens

Thanks for reading! Follow for more of our ladies!