How to Control WS2811 RGB LED With Arduino

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How to Control WS2811 RGB LED With Arduino


Addressable WS2811 RGB LED control:

WS2811 addressable RGB LEDs are Great for producing different colors. Let's make a WS2811 RGB LED control RGB LED Controller For controlling the Pixel LEDs. And also I want to thank UTSOURCE for helping with their huge components list. In the COVID19 situation, they are providing Masks. So, why you are waiting for? Place your first order from UTSOURCE.


​What Are the Ws2811 LEDs?


  • ws2811 is an RGB LED. Yet, it's anything but a basic RGB LED strip. It is an addressable RGB LED. It implies you can control each drove shading with an information signal info.
  • You can get these information signals from various things like Arduino Board's Digital pin, from a legitimate RGB LED controller, and some more. The primary concern is that this information signal is a PWM beat. Thes PWM beats run the LEDs.
  • The LED atrip which I am utilizing is ws2811 addressable RGB LED. The name ws2811 originates from the driver IC ws2811. For this, we consider this the ws2811 LEDs.
  • In some cases, the IC might be inside the LED this sort of LED is known as ws2812 LEDs. These LEDs additionally work in a similar guideline.
  • This ws2811 addressable RGB LED runs on DC 5V. So you should deal with voltage extremity.

The WS2811 RGB LED Controller which we are making today additionally takes a shot at DC 5V

​Association for WS2811 RGB LED:


The RGB LED strips I have purchased, have a Male port and a Female port. The male port is utilized for imparting the information sign from the controller to the LEDs. Also, the female port is utilized for imparting the information sign in to the following LED strips. Along these lines, the association goes and we can control a WS2811 RGB LED. The LEDs take DC 5V to run. However, we as a whole realize that DC has some extraordinary misfortunes. So you will see that the LED close to the force flexibly is gleaming more than the Last LED strips.

For taking care of this difficult we have to associate all LEDs +ve and all LEDs GND. At that point, we need to give the force in every single strip.


For this situation, there are 2 choices. You may get some premade controllers. Which will be simpler to program with the given programming. You will get a basic programming interface that will support you on the off chance that you would prefer not to play with the coding stuff. Here are some WS2811 RGB LED controller Links.

Arduino as WS2811 RGB LED Controller:

Here I will utilize some essential models from Arduino library

FastLED. Adafruit Neopixel.

  1. Presently observe the video instructional exercise on the best way to utilize this and what parameters you need to change. Let me state in a fast synopsis.
  2. The LED_Pin is otherwise called the Data_Pin. The pin is utilized for giving the information signal into the LEDs.
  3. The Num_LED is otherwise called the Number of LEDs. Here you need to give the Total LED Numbers you are associating with the LEDs.
  4. In certain codes, you will discover set Brightness choices. This alternative is primarily utilized for setting the correct brilliance of the LEDs. Here we will discuss Digital Values. Here the all-out Range is 0 to 255. Presently the 0 is for 0% splendor and the 255 is for 100% brilliance. You can utilize any qualities between these two qualities for the WS2811 RGB LED Controller.
  5. While working with these two libraries I find that the fastLED library works faultlessly and straightforward. What's more, here you can code individually and you can likewise go through any exhibit for lighting the LEDs.
  6. Assume you need to run the LED 1 then you can compose a solitary line of code and make the LEDs shining.
  7. You can make basic 'for_loops' for running the LEDs. This library truly bodes well.

​PCB Process:

ws2812b internal connection.jpg

In this undertaking, we will require a controller and some other reciprocal parts for running the atmega328P chip. Coincidentally, in the event that you have a lower financial plan, at that point, you can utilize the atmega8 chip moreover. The atmega8 chip likewise has a similar correlative segment. Furthermore, you can likewise control the atmega8 chip with Arduino Uno utilizing Arduino as ISP.

For the PCB creation, I have picked the JLC PCB site. They are one of the biggest PCB makers in China. Simply Upload your Garber records today and get your initial 10 PCBs just for 2 dollars. They don't take additional charges for the PCB shading. Handling time is 48hrs and dispatching time is additionally snappy and you can see the PCB Quality in the video. Those are incredible. Furthermore, I have just paid 2 dollars.

​Structure Metrics:

ws2812b led connection.jpg

You can make an extraordinary showcase with these LEDs in principle cases the LEDs which are utilized are ws2812 LEDs. These LEDs have high Density so it implies the showcase which will be delivered would be a lot more noteworthy contrasted and ws2811 LEDs.

For making the image you will require a LED Driver on the grounds that there are such a large number of LEDs you can't control every one of them with one Arduino (It isn't unthinkable. Be that as it may, it is difficult to do with Arduino to run a video record through Arduino). So fundamentally individuals utilize a legitimate t300k controller for controlling these LEDs. What's more, it is anything but difficult to do.

You will require an ethernet link for it. Associate the controller with your pc and afterward open the given programming. At that point run, any video record and your video document will run in the presentation. It is extremely straightforward.


Ensure that you are interfacing the LEDs as close as could be expected under the circumstances. This LED sudden spikes in demand for the PWM beats. The beats will get more fragile toward the finish of the strips. So you should utilize the information wire as short as could be expected under the circumstances.

Ensure you have associated an appropriate 5V power gracefully. Higher amps than the Calculated amps. Along these lines, it will give the Lights a long life.

In the wake of interfacing ws2811 addressable RGB LEDs, you should check the informal breakfast voltage at very hubs. On the off chance that you find that your capacity flexibly is giving about 5.2v and each early lunch has 4.5v above then the Connection is alright yet in the event that you find in certain informal breakfasts the is a voltage beneath 3v, at that point you should utilize high measure wires for this association. For this situation, the principle misfortune will be. In the wires, so you should take care of this situation.

Simply attempt to interface all the LEDs in U design don't utilize z design. Since the Z design has genuine information issues. On the off chance that you are utilizing slim wires, you will discover a portion of the principal LEDs will run easily. However, in last there will be some flashing in the LEDs. This thing isn't useful for the LEDs.

This note is for My extraordinary Indian Users as it were. Kindly don't accept this ws2811 addressable RGB LEDs in the celebration time, for this situation, the cost will be higher than different deals time. So please If you are intending to purchase these LEDs at that point please get it in slow times of the year. You may get 10$ or I think 700Rs less in one bundle of procurement.