How to Connect Thermistor NTC 3950 to Arduino ?

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How to Connect Thermistor NTC 3950 to Arduino ?

How to connect thermistor to Arduino NTC 3950.JPG
How To Connect Thermistor NTC 3950 To Arduino ?

How To Connect Thermistor NTC 3950 To Arduino ?

Today we are going to look at how to connect an NTC 3950 thermistor for Edner (which is used for 3D printers) to the Arduino and check the current temperature. Simple and quick instructions on how to do it.

#include <LiquidCrystal_I2C.h>

float current;

int termPin = 0;   // The analog pin to which the thermistor is connected is A0

int termNom = 100000; // Thermistor reference resistance

int refTemp = 25;   // Temperature for reference resistance

int beta = 3950;   // Beta factor

int resistance = 100000; // value of resistance in series in the circuit

LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x27, 16, 2);

void setup() {





 lcd.setCursor(0, 0);



void loop() {


 //measuring the voltage on the thermistor

 current = analogRead(termPin);


 // Convert the measured value to the thermistor resistance

 current = 1023 / current - 1;

 current = resistance / current;

 //Calculation of temperature according to the relation for the beta factor

 float temperature;

 temperature = current / termNom;     // (R/Ro)

 temperature = log(temperature);       // ln(R/Ro)

 temperature /= beta;          // 1/B * ln(R/Ro)

 temperature += 1.0 / (refTemp + 273.15); // + (1/To)

 temperature = 1.0 / temperature;      // The inverted value

 temperature -= 273.15;         // Convert from Kelvin to degrees Celsius


 lcd.print("TEMP control");









 lcd.print("   ");

delay(250); //delay of LCD print
