How to Connect KX-040 to Arduino Uno - Different Way!

by InventionsLab in Circuits > Arduino

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How to Connect KX-040 to Arduino Uno - Different Way!

How to connect KX-040 to arduino uno , dont work..JPG
How To Connect KX-040 To Arduino Uno - Different Way!

How To Connect KX-040 To Arduino Uno - Different Way!

Today we will look at how to connect the KX-040 to the Arduino Uno. I'll walk you through it, if another code doesn't work for you and you're still looking for a program that will work for you, this might be the solution! I spent some time on this and finally succeeded and created a working program for this button where there was a lot of interference going on. If you have any questions or additions to your solution, don't forget to write in a comment.

#include <LiquidCrystal_I2C.h>

//button commands only for button and potentiometer

int pin3= 5;  //Pin SW

const int pin1 = 2;

const int pin2 = 3;

volatile int statePin1 = 0; // Pin 1 status

volatile int statePin2 = 0; // Pin 2 status

volatile int laststatePin1 = 0;

volatile int laststatePin2 = 0;

volatile unsigned long timePin1 = 0; // Time for pin 1

volatile unsigned long timePin2 = 0; // Time for pin 2

volatile unsigned long lasttimePin1 = 0; // last Time for pin 1

volatile unsigned long lasttimePin2 = 0; // last Time for pin 2

int countererror2;

int countererror1;

int counter = 0;


unsigned long lastButtonPress = 0;

bool buttonState = HIGH;

bool buttoncheck;

LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x27, 16, 2);

void setup() {




  lcd.setCursor(0, 0);


  // BUTTON set pin

  pinMode(pin3, INPUT_PULLUP);

  pinMode(pin1, INPUT);

  pinMode(pin2, INPUT);

  attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(pin1), handlePin1Change, CHANGE);

  attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(pin2), handlePin2Change, CHANGE);


void handlePin1Change() {


  statePin1 = digitalRead(pin1);

  timePin1 = millis(); // Record the change time on pin 1


  //filtering annoying duplicates, both temporal and identical consecutive values, omitting zeros, lets only 1

   if (timePin1 != lasttimePin1 && statePin1 != laststatePin1 ) {

  if ( statePin1 == 1) {

   countererror1++; }











void handlePin2Change() {


  statePin2 = digitalRead(pin2);

  timePin2 = millis(); // Record the change time on pin 2


 //filtering annoying duplicates, both temporal and identical consecutive values, omitting zeros, lets only 1

  if (timePin2 != lasttimePin2 && statePin2 != laststatePin2 ) {


   if ( statePin2 == 1) {  

   countererror2++; }








void compareStates() {

 //checking the last pin, which is always 1 + checking if the pins have changed at least 1x to check the wrong direction

 if (statePin2 == 1 && statePin1 == 1  && countererror1 > 0 && countererror2 > 0 ) {

  //finding which direction it is facing

  if (timePin2 > timePin1 ) {



countererror1= 0;

countererror2= 0;












void loop() {




 lcd.print("     ");


  //check button pressed

   buttoncheck = digitalRead(pin3);

     if ((millis() - lastButtonPress) > 50) {

    if (buttoncheck != buttonState) {

      buttonState = buttoncheck;

      if (buttonState == LOW) {

        Serial.println("Button pressed!");


        lcd.print("Button pressed!");



        lcd.print("                ");

       lastButtonPress = millis();







