How to Clean Your Car

In this project i cleaned my friends car this is a picture of how clean the car was after i finished cleaning it.

If you want to clean your car you will need: car soap, tire cleaner, wheel cleaner, at least three microfiber towels, a bucket, and a hose.
Rinse Car

First step is to rinse the car well try to get as much dirt off as possible.
Shampoo Windows

Second step is to cover the windows in soap with the microfiber towel that you dipped in the soap filled bucket
Rinse Windows

The third step is too wash the windows off with water get all the soap off and make sure the windows are completely clean.
Shampoo the Car

Fourth step: you cover the body of the car with soap using a new microfiber towel make sure the car is completely covered with soap.
Rinse Soap

Fifth step: Rinse the soap off with water be very thorough.
Interior of Doors/trunk

Step six: clean the inside of the doors and trunk.

Step seven: dry the car with a new microfiber towel.

Step eight: Spray the wheels with wheel cleaner then wipe them with a new microfiber towel.

Step nine: Spray the tires with tire cleaner then wipe them down with a new microfiber towel.
Clean Up

Step ten: Throw away all the dirty microfiber towels and pour out the bucket and make sure you dont leave a mess behind.
Your Car Is Clean

Step eleven: Enjoy your very clean car.