How to Change the Color of a Document and Save It As a Template in Apple Pages

by watsonjosiah999 in Circuits > Apple

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How to Change the Color of a Document and Save It As a Template in Apple Pages

pages icon 2.jpeg

This Intstructable will guide you in: creating a document, changing it's color, and saving it as a template for future usage. I created this guide for my Wife who always wanted to make their document pink.

Navigate to Launchpad and Click on It

1 C Testing Home Screen .PNG

Launchpad is where all of your application icons are located.

Click on the Pages Icon

2 C Testing LaunchPad .PNG

This will open Pages.

To Open the Document Choose One of the Option Below

3 C Testing Pages Intro:Template Selection .PNG

Both of these do the same thing.

  1. Rapidly click twice on the blank black template (pink arrow)
  2. Click on the blank black template and then press create (blue arrow)

Click on the Document Tab

4 C Testing Pages Intro Screen.PNG

This will transfer you to the screen about your document properties.

(Note 1)

5 C Testing Pages Document Tab .PNG

General explanation of the screen:

  1. Pink arrow indicates which printer will be used
  2. Blue arrow indicates size and type of paper
  3. Green arrow sets the margins

Click the Arrow Next to Background to Pull Down the Options for the Background Color

7 C Testing Background drop down.PNG

This opens a window of preset color options.

(Note 2)

8 C Testing Color Palatte.PNG
9 C Testing Secondary Color pallate .PNG

Both of the indicated boxes will allow you to change the color. The rainbow wheel allows you to choose exact colors

Change the Color of the Document to Your Desired Color

10 C Testing Background check.PNG

Black arrows show the corresponding document color.

Press the Files Button at the Top of the Screen. Press the Save As Template Button to Create a Template of the Document

11 C Testing Pages File .PNG

Editing a document after saving it as a template will NOT change the template

Choose How to Save the Template

12 C Testing Template chooser .PNG

Click Add To Template Chooser And It Will Be On The Home Screen Of Pages. The Save Button Will Save It As A File To Your MacBook Storage

  1. Black arrow: Add to Template Chooser button
  2. Blue arrow: Save button

Locate the Saved Template

13 C Final Result.PNG

General description of the homepage.

  1. Black arrow: All Templates (the home screen)
  2. Blue arrow: My Templates (the templates you created)
  3. To rename the document double click on the word Untitled underneath the template

Use Your New Template!