How to Change LED Color

Light-Emitting Diode / LED Is have so many colors and so many types. This tricks is very useful if you need a colorful LED. For Example: if you have an LED like White LED, and you need a red LED, Don't buy new led just try this Tricks!!!
OK Let's Do It!!
You Need:

- LED (In this case, i have a LED strip)
- Tissue / any thin paper
- Clear tape
- Color Markers
- And scissors

First, take the tissue and slowly cut with scissors like the image. After that, cut the clear tape ± 5cm.

Next, take the colors markers and apply it to the tissue like image 1. After that, wrap the tissue to the LED like image 2 and 3

Turn on the LED and look the result!!
Is the cheap ways to change the LED colors!
And another thing that kind of this trick is you can use it in all lights!!!
Thanks for look my works!
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