How to Change Clothing in Photoshop

by zelle_des in Craft > Digital Graphics

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How to Change Clothing in Photoshop

How to Change Clothing in Photoshop

I'm using Adobe Photoshop 2020 in this video, an older version of Photoshop will do as well.

Open Image in Photoshop


Make a Copy


Duplicate image CTRL + J

Import Shirt Image


Navigate to File > Place Embedded > select shirt > Place

Resize and Position


Resize and reposition shirt as needed. Once you satisfied with the result press check or enter.

Reduce Opacity


Reduce opacity of the shirt so that the underlying garments outline is visible.

Select the Curvature Pen Tool From the Toolbar


Select layer 1 in the Layers panel and the curvature pen tool from the toolbar.

Make a Selection


Make a selection using curvature pen tool.

Make the Blue Shirt Invisible


Click the eyeball icon of the blue shirt and continue to make selection.

Complete Selection


Once the selection is done, right-click and select Make Selection.

Layer Mask


Click the New Layer Mask button in the Layers panel to create a mask that reveals the selection. To move the mask to layer 1, drag the mask to the layer 1.

Delete Shape Layer


You can delete the Shape layer as we won't need it anymore. Right-click the Shape Layer and select Delete Layer from the menu, alternatively you can select Shape Layer and press delete on the keyboard. If you followed all the steps correctly, you should get a file that looks a lot like what you see in the image above.

Clipping Mask


To create a clipping mask hold down Alt (Option in Mac OS), position the pointer over the line dividing two layers (the top layer and the middle one) in the Layers panel (the pointer changes to two overlapping circles), and then click.

Open Select and Mask Workspace


Select the mask thumbnail and click the Select and Mask button in the Properties panel to open the Select and Mask workspace.

Refine the Mask


Select the Brush tool on the left, check that the Plus icon is enabled at the top of the workspace, and paint over a hidden area you want to bring into view. Switch to the Minus icon and paint over an area you want to hide from view.

Click OK to save the changes.

Almost Done


Select layer 1 image thumbnail, brush tool from toolbar panel and color black (cause the underlying shirt is black). And paint over the semi-transparent areas.

Select Blending Mode


Select top layer .

At the top of the Layers palette, you'll see an option that says Normal. Click the drop-down menu to see all the available modes. Go trough the blending modes to see which one suits your image better. I picked Lighter Color blending mode for this tutorial.

Add Vibrance


To the right of the Layer Mask icon at the bottom of the Layers panel is the New Fill or Adjustment Layer icon. It's the icon that looks like a circle split diagonally between black and white. Clicking on it opens up a list of fill and adjustment layers you can choose from. Select Vibrance from the list.

Vibrance Slider


The Vibrance slider affects the intensity of colors. It has the strongest effect on muted colors in the image. Slide the Vibrance bar to the right. Watch how the colors appear more vibrant and brighter as you slide to the right.

It's the final step of this tutorial, I hope you liked it.

Before and After
