How to Care for a Praying Mantis

by g.leca28 in Living > Pets

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How to Care for a Praying Mantis


are you trying to find a pet that is easy to keep and does not need any specific lighting or heating ? Then look no further than the praying mantis !

equipment for nymph housing :

A plastic cup,

Some substrate (you can buy some online),

A fake leaf or branch (this is better as one from your garden can carry diseases and pesticides),

Some tissue (this is important for when your mantis molts)

Making a Habitat for Your Nymph (baby Mantis)


To make the habitat take your plastic cup and make holes in it

You have two options: drill them with a drill,

Use scissors,

Buy a special deli cup online.

When you have your holes, cut out a piece of tissue the size of the lid and glue it on, this will be for your nymph to grip in when it molts. (This is not needed if you bought a cup online)

Then fill the bottom with soil or tissue, tissue is best for when they are nymphs because their prey will be easier to spot.

Add your fake stick, leaf because the mantis will need something to climb on to go to the top of the cup to molt.

Adding Your Mantis

do not pick up your mantis !
let it crawl on your hand and then onto your leaf or stick,

Your mantis will get its water from its food but still spray the habitat 2 times every two days.

Feeding Your Mantis Nymph

your mantis nymph will refuse to eat prey that is bigger that it can capture so you can only feed it fruit flies (purchasable online) or ants (most preferably black garden ants as they don’t sting).

To feed your fruit flies place them in the fridge for 5 minutes, that will reduce them to flightless fruit flies.

If the ants are digging then take the mantis out of its enclosure, onto a white surface and place the ant on it. The mantis will almost instantly spot it.


if you see that your mantis is hanging upside down from the lid then it is about to molt. DO NOT DISTURB IT.

Molting is the most important time of a mantids life, they molt 8 times. Your nymph will slip out of his/her skin and leave it behind. Always keep the habitat humid whilst they are molting or they will get stuck and die.

Having Fun

you can have fun with your mantis whenever you want to ! Just take him out and put him on you : on your shirt, your hat.. and do whatever you want ! They are awesome pets that can be super affectionate and I hope you enjoy yours !

if you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask me !