How to Build a Streetlight in Minecraft

by JakeAS in Living > Video Games

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How to Build a Streetlight in Minecraft


I haven't posted anything here in a very long time, so I came back with something small but very useful for any Minecraft city, town, or even village: streetlights. These streetlights are super easy to build (probably less than one on a difficulty scale from one to ten!), they look nice, and they turn on at night or during the rain, and off during the day! Within minutes, you can have your whole Minecraft town lit-up and beautiful, just like I did in mine. They are also very bright if you build enough of them, keeping monsters from spawning very much (of course you will probably encounter the occasional monster a few times). So without any further ado, let's get started!



Two of any block of your choice (I like sandstone)

One redstone lamp

One daylight sensor

Stack Up Two Blocks


First, find a nice spot for your streetlight. Generally, I like to make mine one block away from my road, and I like to space out six blocks between each lamp. But you can figure that out according to your own preferences.

After finding a spot, place a stack of two blocks of your choice on the ground. I used sandstone, as mentioned above, because I think it looks nice in contrast to the grass beneath it. But the block that you use just depends on the way you like things to look.

Place a Redstone Lamp


Just do what the step title above says; place one redstone lamp on the top of your pillar that you just made.

Place a Daylight Sensor


Again, pretty self-explanatory; just place a daylight sensor on top of the redstone lamp. The lamp is now set to sense daylight, so if it is daytime in Minecraft at the time you are building this (which it is for me), the lamp should turn on. If you are at night right now, the lamp should remain off.

This is the reason why it is called a "daylight sensor." It senses daylight, causing the redstone device that it is placed on or near to power on. Think of it kind of like a real-life solar panel.

Change It to a "Moonlight Sensor"


This is the last step to building a streetlight: the part that makes it turn on at night, just like real-life streetlights. Simply tap the daylight sensor if you are on mobile or right-click it if you are playing on a computer. This turns it into something that I like to call a "moonlight sensor."



After making the "moonlight sensor," you are now finished with your streetlight! Wait till nighttime or use the command /time set night to see it in action. It should also turn on when there is a rain/thunderstorm, when the light level is lower than usual.

The image you see above shows part of my Minecraft town that I built not too long ago. It is meant to show you how nice the streetlights can look at night if you build lots of them along your roads or paths. Your villagers should be safe and secure from now on.

Thanks for reading, and maybe someday I will post an Instructable with pictures showing each building in my town.

Have a great day!