How to Build a Memory Game Circuit With Arduino

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How to Build a Memory Game Circuit With Arduino


The Simon Says memory game is an interactive circuit designed to test and enhance memory skills. The Arduino generates a random sequence of lights and sounds that players must replicate using corresponding buttons. With each correct input, the sequence length increases, and the speed accelerates. This project teaches the fundamentals of Arduino programming, hardware connections, and game logic implementation.

This project draws inspiration from classic electronic Simon Says games. By exploring Arduino forums, tutorials, and similar projects, I identified key elements such as generating random sequences, button debouncing, and synchronizing LEDs and buzzers. I incorporated these ideas into a more customizable and scalable version.


Components List:

  1. Arduino Uno ($35)
  2. Breadboard ($10)
  3. LEDs (1 red, 1 yellow, 1 green, 1 blue/white) ($0.50-$1 each)
  4. Push buttons (5 total) ($0.50-$1 each)
  5. Piezo Buzzer ($2)
  6. 220Ω resistors (4) OR 330 Ω resistors (4) ($0.20 each)
  7. 10kΩ resistors (5) ($0.20 each)
  8. Jumper wires ($5-$10 per set)
  9. USB Cable for Arduino ($5-$10)

Set Up the Arduino and Breadboard:

Copy of Memory Game.png
  1. Set up the Arduino and Breadboard:

Place the Arduino Uno and breadboard on your workspace.

  1. Connect the LEDs:

Insert the LEDs (red, green, yellow, blue) into the breadboard.

Connect each LED’s cathode (short leg) to the ground rail via jumper wires.

Use 220/330 Ω resistors to connect each anode (long leg) to unique breadboard rows.

Run jumper wires from these rows to digital pins on the Arduino:

Red LED to pin 3

Green LED to pin 2

Yellow LED to pin 4

Blue LED to pin 5

  1. Connect the Buttons:

Place the push buttons on the breadboard.

Connect one leg of each button to the ground rail via 10 kΩ pull-down resistors.

Connect the same leg to digital pins on the Arduino:

Green Button to pin 10

Yellow Button to pin 12

Blue Button to pin 13

Red Button to pin 11

Start Button to pin 8

Connect the other leg of each button to the 5V rail.

  1. Connect the Buzzer:

Place the piezo buzzer on the breadboard.

Connect its positive pin to digital pin 6 on the Arduino.

Connect its negative pin to the ground rail.

  1. Power the Breadboard:

Use jumper wires to link the Arduino’s 5V pin to the breadboard’s positive rail.

Connect the GND pin to the ground rail.

Writing the Code

The following code controls the Simon Says game, handling sequence generation, input validation, and game responses:

Test and Refine the Circuit

  1. Initial Testing:

Press the Start button to begin the game.

Follow the sequence of flashing LEDs and corresponding buzzer tones by pressing the matching buttons.

  1. Troubleshooting Tips:

If an LED does not light up, check the wiring and ensure proper connections.

If the game does not progress, verify button functionality and code logic.

  1. Refinement:

Adjust the speed decrement or maximum level in the code to customize game difficulty.

Add visual or audio effects for enhanced gameplay.


Congratulations! You have successfully built a Simon Says Memory Game Arduino Circuit that challenges and entertains. This project provides an engaging way to learn Arduino programming and circuit design. Share your creation and experiment with new features to make it uniquely yours!