How to Build a Computer Step by Step

by jonathanschultz in Circuits > Computers

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How to Build a Computer Step by Step


Today, I'm going to take you through a step by step process to help you build your next PC. My goal is for you to be able to build your own PC after following these simple instructions . But first I will explain what you will need in order have success in your PC build.


  • CPU (Intel Core i3)
  • Computer Case (Cooler Master)
  • Screwdriver
  • Motherboard (B365M-HDV)
  • Power Supply (EVGA)
  • SSD/M 2 Drive
  • Ram, at least (4Gb)
  • Heat sink, (Should come with CPU)
  • Anti Static Mat and Wristband
  • Thermal paste

Prep the Case


Open the case: Unscrew the black bolts found on the case

Install CPU

  • Take the mother board out and take off the black piece of plastic covering the CPU slot
  • Open the lever and push up
  • Next grab the CPU so the pin side is facing downwards
  • Line up the CPU slot (there are two tinny trinagles one on the CPU one on the bracket line those up), and let it drop into place
  • Next pull down the lever and clip it back into place

  • Next your going to grab your tube of thermal paste
  • And squeze out a rice size amount on the center of the CPU

Install Heat Sink


  • Grab the heat sink from the sides
  • turn all for nobs till the arrows are pointing outwards
  • carefully line up the notches, now apply pressure to the heat sink
  • finnaly check the back of the mother board for white notches to confirm heat sink has been installed correctly

Step 4: Install Ram

Ram pt.jpg
  • Find the ram Slot on your motherboard (Ushally two or four of them in a group)
  • Push open the clips on the side (Might have one or two depending on the motherboard)
  • Line up the notches and apply pressure to the ram
  • Once secured close clips until click sound is heard

Install SSD

  • Grab your choice of Mdot2 drive
  • Take the tiny screw that should be found in your motherboard box
  • Use this tiny screw in order to tighten your SSD

Test Componets Outside of Case

  • Now plug your power supply into the walloutlet
  • Plug the 24 pin into the motherboard from the powersupply
  • Plug the 4/8 pin CPU connector into the mother board
  • And use your screwdriver to hotwire the motherboard inorder for it to turn on
  • now check to make sure every componet is funtioning correctly

IO Sheild

  • Next grab the IO shield and click it in from the inside of the case
  • Apply pressure to the corners until firmly fit in place

Screw in Standoffs

  • Screw in the stand off screws, using the metal adapter

Install Motherboard

  • Next screw in the motherboard aligning the ports with the IO shield
  • Use the cross method when screwing in the screws to apply equal pressure
  • Next plug in the 24 pin and the 4to8 pin
  • And plug in the three pin fan connector

Install Power Supply

  • Next install the power supply
  • Again using the cross method to apply equal pressure
  • Finally connect the power cord
  • And turn the switch to on

How to Check If Everything Working Correctly

OIP (1).jpg
  • Most motherboards come with a speaker installed if yours does you should hear a single beep when you turn on your computer
  • if yours doesn't don't worry take a hdmi, or a vga cable and hook it up to a monitor
  • if the montior doesn't output anything it means something isn't working properly

Cable Managment

  • cable management will help you keep your cables nice and oraganize (and keeps your computer looking nice)
  • using zipties or twisties you can organize your cable to your likeing